IRAP Highlights
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Manipur Govt’s Forest Survey Move One of the Triggers for Current Manipur Conflict
When a patient goes to a doctor for treatment, he is asked many questions on the history of his complaints, symptoms experienced by him, environmental

Mirabai Chanu, a Born Winner Now Poised for Paris Olympics, Appeals for Communal Harmony and Blessings
Waari Singbul Network Imphal: After a grueling six-month journey of rehabilitation from a hip injury, Mirabai Chanu, the esteemed Indian women weightlifter, has made

Displaced Person Expresses Hesitancy in Taking Part in Lok Sabha Elections
The 18th Lok Sabha Election is getting closer. Yet many displaced people are in the state of reluctance in exercising their voting. Government has taken

CM Biren and Manipur BJP’s View of Centre’s Stance on Manipur Issue is Contrary to How Opposition Parties Perceive it
Even as the people of Manipur are offended by the chosen silence of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and inaction of the Government of India

Amidst Wide Disenchantment at Continuing Conflict Election Has Come Knocking at Our Door
Now the election is knocking at our door. But some sections of the population express that the timing of the election is not conducive to

Book on Manipur Crisis Long on Conjectural Assertions, Short on Documentation and Evidence
Book Title: Shooting the Sun: Why Manipur Was Engulfed by Violence and the Government Remained Silent Author: Nandita Haksar Published by: Speaking Tiger Price: Rs 399 Nandita

Why Have Kuki-Zomi Tribes Decided Not to Contest in the 18th Lok Sabha Election and Instead Boycott It?
With the announcement of the schedule for India’s 18th Parliamentary Elections 2024 by Election Commission of India (ECI), the Kuki-Zomis respite not only the violent

Initiatives for Revival of Nearly Extinct Ngaton Fish in Iril River is the Urgent Need of the Hour
I still remember my childhood days which I enjoyed the taste of Ngaton fish from the Iril river with Changlei rice of Manipur. It seems

Extractive Industries and the Clues They Provide About the Political Ecology of the NE Foothills
Book Title: Living With Oil and Coal: Resource Politics and Militarization in Northeast India Author: Dolly Kikon Publisher: Yoda Press The creation of tea

Manipur Players Adapt Well to Modern Hockey Because of its 3 Traditional Game Variations of the Game
Hockey is a suitable game in Manipur. It has been

‘Manipuri Myths Retold’ is Doing Well in the Market, and Getting the Attention I Expected in Manipur: Somi Roy
The following is an excerpt from an interview of the

Was Manipur Only 700 Square Miles in 1949?
On July 27, 2021, a ‘sensational’ information was posted on

Sports Rewards Must be Standardised and Not Allowed to be Determined Arbitrarily by Whims of Powers That be
Last fortnight has been eventful. In quick succession, a star

One of the Biggest Hurdles in Defeating COVID-19 is the Ever Widening Economic Disparity in Our Society
Many people, including some academics, say that we cannot overcome

“Those Vaccinated Can Still Get COVID but Less Likelihood of Them Becoming Severely ill”
The COVID-19 vaccination has been launched on January 16 with