IRAP Highlights
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The Devastating Impact of recent Flood on Farmers in Manipur
“Feeling so disappointed thinking about my lost crops due to the recent flood that occurred in the state. I have spent many sleepless nights just

Need for a Comprehensive Approach to Control the Impact of Flood on vulnerable and marginalized communities in the state of Manipur
“The recent flood in month of July was the first flood that I was experiencing in my life. As the water level rose up chest

Anita Desai’s Latest Novel is a Fascinating Story of a Young India Girl
Book: Rosarita Author: Anita Desai Publisher: Picador India The novella ‘Rosarita’ is Anita Desai’s latest work. Anita Desai is one of the most important

‘These Hills Called Home’ Captures How Abnormal Normal are Created
Book: These Hills Called Home – Stories From A War Zone Author: Temsula Ao Pubisher: Penguine India Temsula Ao was is Ao Naga writer

Are the Olympic Games still relevant?
By Lachlan Guselli, 360info in Sydney As the world descends on Paris for the biggest show in sport, the question must be asked if the Olympic

A Cold War Brewing in the Neighbourhood of Northeast India
The anarchy in Myanmar since the February 2021 military coup is showing no respite. A violent resistance against the junta by the People’s Defence Force

Is there ‘sexism’ in the pursuit of mathematics education?
History has proven time and again that women are the first and the worst to be affected by conflicts. The war in Ukraine, Israel-Hamas conflict,

Extinction to Exhibition: Re-Interpretation of the Subika Art of Manipur
“I am satisfied with the success of this exhibition, which drew more than one thousand visitors, many of whom were previously unaware of the indigenous

UN Committee Grills India on Manipur; Dismisses India’s Claim Large Election Turnout is Sign of Normalcy
The United Nations Human Rights Committee questions India about Manipur among others during its review meeting of the fourth periodic report of India on how

Prospect of Peace and Withdrawal of the “Disturbed Area” under AFSPA
Premises and pretext: Manipur’s peace (political) was disturbed in 1949

Hindutva Ideology: A Real Threat to India’s Unity
If there is one explosive idea that is setting the

Manipur’s Sharp Ethnic Fault-lines and How They Can Influence the Election Results
This article first appeared in The Wire and the original

Too Many Candidates, Too Few Berths: BJP’s Problem of Plenty in Manipur
This report was written as part of the NL Sena

My COVID Ordeal Taught Me it is Culture and Attitude, Not the System Which are the Problem in Manipur
One of the major issues of the failing education system

Indigenous Lore and The Fire Knowledge We Ignore
By Christine Eriksen, ETH Zurich in Zurich The hazy outline of

Dissecting The Sociology Behind The Demand for Schedule Tribe by a Meiteis Organisation

Manipur Must Now Reflect on How It Must Reconcile its Past With its Present and Future

How Khagi (Yunnan) Sacked Pong (Shan) Through Guiles as per Ancient Meitei Chronicle ‘Soraren Macha Khunkumba’

Jobs Still go on Sale Despite Repeated Past Misfortunes Resulting Out This Malpractice

Gloom of Manipur Politics Where Treachery Has Been Normalised, Balanced by Sunshine Brought by Athletes
2020 Lifetime Achievement Winner, Kshetrimayum Rashi’s Bio Note is Almost Synonymous with History of Cinema in Manipur

As Cinema in Northeast Battles to Break Free of Stereotypes, it Throws up Brilliance and Decadence in Equal Measures