In what is proving to be an extraordinary community-based women centred Project, the first in Manipur in collaboration with Maolkeki Foundation and Nest Lamka 30 women have arrived in Barefoot College in Tilonia Rajasthan to be trained as Solar engineers. Within three months they will be technically competent to solar electrified their own villages.

Ranging from 20 to 65 years old their literacy level between illiterate, semi-literate and literate they have no knowledge of solar, electronics and physics. They come from remote villages where they live with erratic electric connections.
In three months, they will be competent and confidence solar engineers.
With financial assistance from HDFC 500 20W fixed solar units will be distributed along with solar lanterns fabricated by the women themselves.
The technique is they will listen to no theory but from the very first day they will learn by doing how to make a charge controller, how to fabricate a solar lantern, how to install solar panels on the roofs without the assistance of any paper qualified engineer from outside.
At the end of three months, they will know more about solar installation, fabrication repair and maintenance than any paper qualified foreign returned solar engineer.
Sample of the two women who have come for training is given below.
- Name: N. Abamliu, Tribe: Liangmei, Language:Liangmei, Age: 61, Village: Tamei
- Name: A.T. Khusim Maring, Tribe: Maring, Language: Maring, Age: 21, Village: Parengtong
No certificate after training will be issued to these Solar Mamas. Once they solar electrified the whole villages that will be certification enough. Since they will not be looking for a job in the urban area but be paid for the services by community themselves.