IRAP Highlights
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As Prospects of Social Unrests Churn Ahead of the Upcoming Election, the Question is Would These Make or Mar BJP’s Prospect for Retaining Power
There is none in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) – from the state karyakarta to national leaders, from the ministers in the state government to

Election Must be an Occasion to Renew Faith in Democracy, But Loyalty Bereft Politicians Are Upsetting This Prospect
The onset of a general election witnesses different old and new candidates donning various election manifestoes and symbolic colours. They also don their respective party

Disqualification Cases Against RK Imo and Yamthong Haokip Initiated; JCILPS Launches Drive Against Illegal Immigrants; MPCC Accuses BJP of Using Govt Programme in Party’s Poll Campaign
The proceedings on the petition filed by Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) in the Speaker’s Tribunal of Manipur Legislative Assembly, seeking disqualification of MLA of

Rabindranath Thakur and Manipuri Dance – Part 2
From the volume “Confluence: Essays on Manipuri Literature and Culture” by the author, compiled and edited by B.S. Rajkumar Guru Haobam Atomba and Guru

In the Wake of the Recent Ambush Near Behiang, Some Thoughts on How Wars Cannot be Won Without First Winning Peace
The November 13 ambush near Behiang on the India-Myanmar border and the casualties caused was tragic but beyond the shock and outrage, what needs to

Enrolment of Students in Government Schools Declines Contrary to Tall Claims by Manipur Government
While Manipur Government claims that enrolment in government schools has increased ASER Report (Rural) 2021 says enrolment in government schools in Manipur has declined. The

BJP National President JP Nadda Visits Manipur, Claims BJP Halted Insurgency; Court Rejects Closure Report of Fake Encounter Probe; Foundation Stone of Rani Gaidinliu Museum Laid
JP Nadda Launches Go to Village 2.0 in Bishnupur District Amidst criticisms against fluttering flags of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and giving speech like election

Rabindranath Thakur and Manipuri Dance – Part 1
From the volume “Confluence: Essays on Manipuri Literature and Culture” by the author, compiled and edited by B.S. Rajkumar Rabindranath’s School of Dance The

Naga Samaj, NNC, NPC and SC Jamir in The Extended Naga Imbroglio
Naga Samaj was living in Naga Hills and its surrounding areas including today’s Myanmar (Burma). Dimapur was in Golaghat sub-Division of Sibsagar District of Assam.