The following is interview of one Nonglen Meitei, who claimed to be Secretary and Propaganda in charge of Maoist Communist Party Manipur, founded on August 10, 2011. The party and its facebook ID called Leishemyum, which doesn’t exist anymore now, was very active on social media. My contact with the party was via this Facebook ID. I don’t know the person handling the Facebook account. I don’t know who Nonglen Meitei was/is. I have asked for phone/ WhatsApp number and email ID. Unfortunately, he/she hides it from me. So, I sent questions via Facebook. I received their response on September 21, 2013. That was a time when the party seemed to have established virtual links with some Maoist organisations in India and beyond. However, I am not certain if they had a standing army or a stable militia. But they seemed to have some mass organisations and student organisations under various names, which kept on changing from time to time. After the arrest of their leader in August 2019, who has entered parliamentary electorial politics in the latest Manipur Assembly General Election, nothing much is heard about the party and the mass organisations. I am not sure if the party is hibernating or has become extinct. But they, for a short while had raised the idea of a sovereign socialist Manipur, which seemed to have had some psychological impacts on certain radical youths. Their analysis of Manipur’s objective conditions may be debatable for lack of imperical data and proper assessment. I will not go into that. My objective, as part of a book project, was to collect their views and analyse. As the book project has not taken off, I now place the interview in the public domain so that people may read, study, and comment. The responses are in Manipuri (written in Latin) and English.
Dr. Malem Ningthouja
Saturday, October 22, 2022.
On History and Historiography
Malem: (Historiography) History haibasi meeyoibana eebani. Manipurga mari leinaba tongan tonganba history kaya lei haina haijaning-ee. Manipur asi Mahabharatki Manipur ni haiba history leikhre. Masibu araanbani haiba history kaya amsu puthokkhre. Manipur asi yelhoungeidagi leiraklaba leibak amani haina territory da yumfam oiba history amasu chatnari. Masigi onna teinabada Naga lalhoubasingna eeba history da Naga asi tonganba furupni haina eeri. Eekui kuidringeida puthokpa The History of Kuki Hills (2010) asida Kuki gi lam asiga Manipur ga tongan tonganba puwari oina eeri. Asigumba amaga amaga yetnaba history sing asi kanano chumbano kanana lanbano haibasi judgement piba eerai laina thokte khalli. Masida adomgi amasung party gi observation kari leibibage?
Paokhum: Mapung oina Manipur meeyamda phanghalliba poowari gi lairiksing (history) asi feudal society bu aphabani haiba utnaba hotnaduna lengsillambana ayambani. Asigumba makhalgi poowarigi lairik amattada eikhoina chammada chamma thajaba thamde. Lairksing asi Meetei/Meitei na lenglamba oiramba yai Tangkhul na oiramba yai nattraga Khongsai na oirambasu yai. Manipur gi poowari gi matangda eikhoi henna mayek sengna neinaba mathou tari adubu poowarigi liklam asina khunnai asigi sahouda apanba piba yaba maikei aduda eikhoi henna pukning chingsinbadi achumba khongthang natte. Malemgi mapham khudingmakta leikhiba thokhiba thoudok wathok sapham lanphamsing Manipur dasu thokhi haibasidi achumbani adubu thoudok wathok sapham lanphamsing aduna khunnai asigi manglomda chatkhatpada apanaba pinaba sinabadi aranba khongakpa amani haina loujei.
Malem: (History) Adomgi party na eebiba history adugi samlappa mapung oiba summary haibiyu.
Paokhum: Manipur gi ariba lairik mayam Hindu gi phattaraba purohit ki lounam langdagi mei thakhiduna khunnai manglamchatki tangkaksing khangnaba hotnabada achouba awaba ama ngasigi mirolna mayoknari. Lup asina semgatliba poowari gi tangkaksing asi maru oina Moirang Kangleirol amadi Khongjom Parba, chinbungwa, phunga wari amadi wari libasingdagi yumpham oiri. Khullang iseinachingba kayadagisu kannaba machak kaya lousinba ngamli.
On Party & Ideology
Malem: (Ideology) Political party khudingmakki mapung oina chatnaba wakhallon lei haina khanjei. Amaromda malemgi eetihasta yaol purakkhiba amasung puraknaba hotnakhiba party khudingmak wakhallon amamamda yumfam oikhi. Adomgi party asi ningthina structure leiraba political party amana haina loujei. Adomgi party gi wakhallon adu samlapna fongdokpiyu.
Paokhum: Lup asi Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (MLM) da maruoina Maoism da yumpham oiba Maoist party amani. Matamgi honglakliba khongchatki matung inna Marxism na paokhum piba yadaba phibamdagi Lenin gi wakhallon na Marxism bu henna achumba phidamnapham amada develop toukhi. Asumna comrade chairman Mao Tse Tung na Marxism bu henna aphaba lairaba loumi sinmi meeyamgi chaokhat thouri oiduna amuk hanna develop tourakhi. Maoism haibasi Marxism gi ideological development process amani. South East Asia asigi leiriba lammitlon, senmitlon, leisemlon kaya asina Maoism bu tangaiphadabani haibadu takli. Manipur da Maoism gi wakhallonda yumpham oiba lup ama oina Maoist Communist Party Manipur kouba lup ama semgatlakpa asina houkhiba chahi kayada leiramba ideological gap adu mensinba ngambaga loinana achumba lalhou ama khongkap tamlakle haibasi meeyamna ngasidi mayek sengna uba phanglakli. … … …
Malem: (Objectivity) Party gi wakhallon asi kadaifaoba Manipur gi oiriga fivamga chussanahanba ngamee natraga ngamgani haibasu samlapna thambiyu.
Paokhum: Manipur da communist movement haibasi ngasigi mirol na uriba communist khara asigi masak asida yumpham thonduna khal onba lan-gani. Manipur da ngarang gi mirolda communist ki achouba mai pakpagi poowari thengnagani. Lamyanba Hijam Irabot ki armed agrarian revolution asi khudam oina nouhounana puthoktuna neinaba yai. Matam aduda changsillamba Marxism-Leninism da yumpham thonba lalhou adu asukki matik khumang chaosinkhi. Manipur gi loijing loiya sinba thungna communist movement na khumang chaosinkhi. Laibak thiba tangkak ama oina lamyanbana underground taduna leiraba matamda India na Manipur-bu namduna lousinkhi. India gi phibalnungda leiraba Manipur da India gi communist movement ki iwai inil lakhi. Matam asi international communist movement da Chinese Communist Party gi chairman Mao Tse Tung na achumba communist liklam ama semgatlakpa matamni. Amukk henna laibak thikhribadi 1951 da lamyanba Hijam Irabot na leikhidaba asini. Phibam asidagi Manipur gi communist movement leikha takhi. Masigi matungda Manipur communist movement da ideological develop touba ngamkhidre loinana Manipur da communist party leitre (communist party haibasi mamingna lepte. Wakhallon amasung touriba mawong matouna lepkadabani). Peru da Gunzalo gi ideological develop touduna ihou changsilli. Bangladesh ta comrade Siraj Sikhdar gi wakhallonna ideological develop touduna ihou sagatlakhi. Asumna India gi communist sahoudasu comrade Charu Mazumdar na ideological develop touduna communist movement makha samthaduna revisionsim gi mayokta communist movement sagatlakhi. Manipurdadi communist party haibasi chumnagi maming adukhatang oina righ revisionism amadi armed revisionism da tinkhi. Karigumba lamyanba Hijam Irabot na leikhidraba matungda ningthina communist movement ama ideological gap leihandana chatharamlagadi Manipur meeyam soidana mai paklamgadabani. Manipur gi houjik houjik leiriba phibam asida Kakching, Heirok, Sugnu, Wangu, Moirang, Nambol, Konthoujam, Sekmai, Lamshang, Heingang amadi Khundrakpam nachingba mapham kayada communist ki ihouda thajaba ahal kaya yumda phamduna leiri. Manipur gi communist movement na leikha tarakpasi Lamlai yaona urban communist cadre kharana opportunism line da chatkhibadagini. Phibamsing asi communist ki maramda neinabasingnadi soidana mayek sengna khangba ngamgani.
Maoist Communist Party Manipur na 2011 gi August 10 da lup asi semle amadi Marxism-Leninism-Maoism da yumpham thonba proletariat-sing-gi consolidate oiba political vanguard amani haina laothokpa numit asidagi Manipur da communist lalhou ama amuk hanna leire. Haibadi lamyanba Hijam Irabot na leikhidaraba matungda mami samkhraba communist lalhou adu 2011 dagi amuk hanna Manipur da communist lalhou leire amadi ideological gap adu leitre haina louba yare. Maram aduna communist lalhougi leihao leiriba Manipur da hanna leiramba ideological gap adu mensillabanina Manipur gi leihaoda Maoism da yumpham thonba communist lalhou asi asukki matik chusinnare haibasi mayek sengna takle.
Malem: (Inner Contradiction) Party gi manungda political line-gi matangda yetnaba (struggle) leiba tarabadi mapung oiba yetnabasing adu sugaina thambiyu.
Paokhum: Our party the Maoist Communist Party Manipur has regarded intra party struggle as unavoidable without which no transformation takes place in party organization and ideology. It believes the preservation of party unity is founded on the paradox of incessant struggle within the party. Struggle guranttee its dynamism, progress can only come through resolution of contradiction. This is our understanding regarding inner party struggle.
Malem: (Unity of the opposites) Matou karamna political line-gi yetnaba adu puduna chatli natraga resolve touee haibadu sugaina thambiyu.
Paokhum: … Maoist Communist Party Manipur firmly grasps and creatively applied the law of unity and struggle of opposites in every two lines struggle. It must be conducted as to transform the negative aspects into positive ones whoever it might comes from. Transforamtion only can develop higher level of unity among its own rank which in inevitable for the success of Revolution.
Malem: (Party formation) Adomgi party matou karamna semlakkhibagi wafam adu thambiyu.
Paokhum: We know that the armed movement has been initiated before the maoist party has born in the soil of Manipur. The people of Manipur has frustrated because of the mistake committed by the non ideological base armed groups of Manipur. It is very difficult to build up a revolutionary party in Manipur in such situation. The following method has been decided as a basic guideline of building a revolutionary party based on Maoism in Manipur.
The Central Committee has decided to mobilize Revolutionary Activist Group especially at the valley which countryside villages are linkage with hill villages and at the hill which villages are linkages with valley countryside. The facts derived from the geo-political and strategic condition of Manipur. There will be five or more members in a group at the respective villages. We can provide ideological and political education to make them a Maoist cadre. After three or four months, we can pick up the best among the group and we will appoint him/her as a secretary of that village level unit committee. There will be two subcommittees in a village level committee like Revolutionary Youths Committee (RYC) and New People’s Militia Committee (NPMC). The Central Committee will also appoint the in charges of the respective subcommittees accordingly. In charge of the RYC will take the responsibility to arming youths in the particular village to build up New People’s Guerrilla Army (NPGA). And the in charge of NPMC has the responsibility to arming student and others as a subordinate force of the NPGA. The party secretary has the responsibility to mobilize the people for a revolutionary mass movement which can make a favorable situation for a protracted people’s war. The secretary of the party and two in charges will be the working group of the unit and the rest can remain as members. The expansion of the Revolutionary Activist Group at the neighboring villages or any other villages is also main task for each working group and all members of the unit.
The best among the NPGA and NPMC will be promoted to the people’s army and the NPGA and NPMC can remain as subordinate forces of the people’s army. The Party Committee will remain as a vanguard party to lead the people’s Army which builds up by the advance element of the society. Our ultimate military task is to form a New People’s Army (NPA).
After the six months from the formation of party committee based on pick and choose, there will be party conference and elect the new secretary of a unit committee by exercising democratic norms. After completing this process, we can make Area Committee and Division Committee and then Regional committee.
Our position is very clear that the party formation and military formation can go together or as soon as after party formation. A set of the reactionary group which equipped sophisticated weapon and backed by the Indian colonialist is preparing to target us to derail the Maoist movement in Manipur.
That’s how we build up our party.
Malem: (Party Achivement) Adomgi party na semlakpadagi houjikfaobada oiriba achievement adu thambiyu.
Paokhum: Marxism–Leninism-Maoism da yumpham thonba lup ama oirakpa ngamlakpasi khwaidagi chaoba mai pakpa amani. Lup asina internationalist party ama oina malem gi meeyamna Manipur gi communist lalhougi asengba masak ama khangnarakpasi lup asigi achouba mai pakpa amani. Lup asina meeyamgi lanmi (people’s army) ama mapung phana semgatpa ngamdriba asi laibak thibani. Without a people’s army, the people have nothing haiba Mao Tse Tung gi wapham adu matang asida ningsingba yai.
Malem: (Party setbacks) Adomgi party na semlakpadagi houjikfaobada nanglakkhiba khudongthiba natraga maithibasing adu thambiyu.
Paokhum: Lup asi semgatnaba hotnabada achouba waba kaya mayoknakhibasing adu chaorakna ningsingba yai.
Malem: (Party self-criticism) Adomgi party gi asonba, awatpa, amasung soikhiba / asoibasing adu karino? Masi karamna resolve touee / tougani.
Paokhum: Lup asina houjik phaobada masimadi soikhre haiba waphamsing thoina udri. Lup asigi asonba ama hairagadi lup asina houjik phaoba chap chaba people’s army ama maoist military science ta yumpham oiduna semgatpa ngadribasi panba yai. Houjik leiriba party gi semgat sagatliba asina leptragadi awatpa asi athuba matamda kupkhatpa ngamgani haina khanjei. Wahang asida mamut tajadaba amana party gi cadre manungda leiba asonba asoiba adura nattraga party amadi meeyam anigi marakta thokpa thoudokla haibasi khangdabana wahang asi khumbada khara chamamnabani.
Malem: (Party Structure) Adomgi party gi organisational structure amasung department / kayatsing adu sugaina thambiyu.
Paokhum: Central Committee member haibasina khwaidagi wangba organization gi structure ni. Masigi makhada Regional Bureau Member leigani. Masigi makhada Division, Zone, Area Committee amadi Unit Committee ni. [… … …] Central Committee masing yamdriba maramna houjik phaobagi oina Politburo di thamdri. Regional in charge, International Committee, Central Militia Committee, School of Maoism hairibasing asi panba yai.
Malem: (Community composition) Adomgi party gi community composition adu fongdokpiyu.
Paokhum: Lairaba loumi sinmee mayamna luchingba lalhou (proletarian revolution) asida lairaba loumi sinmi, youth, students, women mayamna saruk yari. “The proletariat constitutes the most numerous classes in Manipur. Not only is it the leading force, but it is also the main force of the revolution.” haiba wakhallon asida semgatlakpa lup amani.
Malem: (Male Chauvinism) Adomgi party asi nupasingna dominated touba party amani, nupeesingdi yamna tonna amasung restriction kyaga loinana thambi haiba wafam asida adomgi mot kari leibage?
Paokhum: Communist party amada male chauvinism gi wapham leite. Red with expert haibasina lup asida yaoribasing gi thabak pangthokpa gi maikei lepli.
Malem: (Community Chauvinism) Adomgi party asi Meetei na masing dominate touba amasung meetei gi interest ta thabak touba party amani haiba wafam asida adomgi mot kari leibage?
Paokhum: Lup asi kanglup amadi phurup ta yumpham thonde. Lup asi Marxism-Leninism-Maoism da yumpham thonba lup amani. Maram aduna lup asina kanglup amadi phurup ki waphamda achan mirai naide. Nakal amaromda apikpa phirup sotharaba phurupchasingbu henna khumang chaosinna lanpham asida thoudang lounaba pukning thougatli.
Malem: (Militancy) Adomgi party asi militant organisation amani haiba wafam asida kari mot leibibage? Adomgi party leadership na or atei visual circulation singda cadre singna civil dress setpagi mahutta military fatigue setpa oina ootliba adugi significance karino?
Paokhum: Maoist Communist Party Manipur na violent revolutin da thajaba thamduna protracted people’s war chathanaba sem sariba lup amani. Lanmi haibasi party gi makhada leiba meeyamgi lanthengnaba kanglup amani. Party amadi People’s Army haina leigani. Eikhoina people’s war gi sem sanaba khannaba hourakpa matamda armed struggle asi karamba model da chathagadage haibasi achouba wahang ama oikhidaba natte. Communist lalhouda politico military strategy asi eikhoina makhal ani thokna uba phangli makhoising adudi ahanbada line of insurrection amdi protracted people’s war ni. …
Malem: (Militancy) Cherol thokpa matamda party gi mingga loinana military mingsu khmbrangnana hek hek hapliba asigi maram karigino. (E.g UNLF amasung MPA).
Paokhum: Party amasung people’s army haibasi tatna-thanaba yadraba revolution gi machak ahumgi manungda anini. Comrade Mao na three magic weapon haina party, people’s army amasung united front ahumbu pallammi. Party gi oiba thabaksingda military gi ming sijinnabasi revolution gi understanding gi wangmadani haina loubasu yai. Maoist Communist Party Manipur organization gi thakta mapung phaba understanding leiba lup amani loinana military science tasu khwaidagi awangba wakhallon da yumpham thonba lup amani haina louba yai. Maram aduna lup asina mapham amasung matam chabada lup ki ming sijinnaba nattraga lanmi gi ming sijinnaba leigani.
Malem: (Factionalism) Factionalism gi tendency leikhiba or faction takhiba asi kari maramgino? Ideological difference la, tactical difference la, leadership crisis la or atei opportunist motives la?
Paokhum: Maoist Communist Party Manipur da houjik phaobagi oina faction tanakhiba leite. Manipur gi context ta yenglagadi revolutionary ideology ningthina grasp toudabana oigani haina khanjei. Opprotunism amadi leaderhsip crisis haibasigi maru oiba maramsu revolutionary ideology ningthina grasp toudabagini.
Malem: (Child Recruitment) Lalhoubasingna apngba angangsingbu recruit touee haibasida adomgi kari mot leibage?
Paokhum: Mee khudingmak maramdam mama leibak amadi meeyamgi thabak tounabagi hak lei. India gi oinasu National Cadet Corps (NCC) haibasi military gi saruk amani. NCC da pikliba angang kaya saruk yaduna nongmei kappa tambiri. Maoist Communist Party Manipur gi chatna kanglon gi matung inna Manipur da leiba Manipuri amana nattraga mapal lamda leiba Manipuri amana masagi chahi 16 suragadi lup asida member oina yaoba yai. Party gi member oidringeida activist group ama oina lup asigi sanglup amada tha taruk tagi tadana thabak tourakkadabani haibasi mayek sengna iri. Manipur gi poowarida Sengoi Sana amadi Chinglen Sana gi wari singbul leitaba natte. Maramdam nungsiduna minai oiraba meeyamgi ningkha tambagi lanpham asida lairaba loumi sinmi meeyamna saruk yagadabani amadi masi eikhoigi toupham thokpani.
Malem: (Recruitment Agent) Sel piduna nekpa agentsing thadoktuna recruitment touhalli haibasida kari observation leibage?
Paokhum: Maosit Communist Party Manipur Marxism-Leninism-Maoism da yumpham thonba lup amani. Lairaba meeyamgi lalhou asina kanagumba amada piningai peisa amatta leite. Maoist yaoge haina lakpa missing ahanbada activist group ta tha taruk leigani. Tha taruk asigi manungda karigumba mahakki punsirol, chatna lonchat adu lalhou asiga chusinnaba ngamdragadi lup asida yaohanbagi khudongchaba adu pide. Maram aduna Maoist ki oinadi thambirakliba wapham asi yaba ngamjade. … … …
Malem: (Incentives to cadres) Lalhouba yabasing tolop fang-ee haibasida kari mot leibibage? Cadres singda fangba material incentives adu karino?
Paokhum: Maoist yaobasing masa masagi arei areiba puthoknaduna lup asida yaoraga meeyamgi ningkha tambagi lalhou asi changsinbani. Maram aduna lup asida tolop ki oiba wapham amatta leite. Party gi thabak chathok chatsin amadi party gi oiba thabaksingidamaktadi madu party na puthoktuna pangthok-ee. Party cadre singda ahenba peisa pibagi wapham leite. Mathakki paokhum amadasu lup asigi member amana membership fee amadi levy party gi fund oina pigadabani haibasi mayek sengna thamjakhre. … Lanmi amana phangliba potlamsing … tangaiphadabasing asi sijinnabadi lei. Adu nattana senpham oina pibadi lup asigi oina chatnade.
Malem: (Retirement scheme) Party yaoba meena thbktagi potthaba yabagi provision sing adu karino?
Paokhum: Party organization dagi pothaba haibasi wakhal choiraba matamdata lup asina panthaba toudana Lup asidagi pothaba yagani. Wakhal choirabadi party gi kayat amattada lup asigi thabak thougai sinnaroi. People’s army oiriba amana masagi hakchang gi phibam da asonba laktuna lanmi ama oibagi thabakta maipunaba ngamloidabagi phibam laklabadi mahak adu lanmidagi pothahanduna party orgnaization da thabak sinnagani. Party da whole timer oiribasing gi oina wakhallon mangdriba makhei party da leigani. Maoist Communist Party Manipur haibasi proletarian revolution da yumpham oiba political organization amani.
Malem: (Rights of cadres) Lalhouba yaobasingna party manungda fangliba haksing adu kari karino?
Paokhum: Lup asigi Constitution Chapter 4, Artilce 24 asi party cader sing gi rights ki matangni. Adomgi wahang asigi paokhum oina Article asi mayek sengna thamjari.
Article – 24: The Rights of the Party Members:
(a) The right to elect and to be elected to party committees at the concerned levels.
(b) The right to get Party Magazines, documents, circulars, etc., and the right to freely discuss in the party meetings and party organs about the political and organizational line, policies and decisions of the party and about problems arising in implementing them.
(c) In case of any disagreement with the decision of the committee/unit, a member of the concerned committee/unit, must remain loyal to carry out the decision may retain his/her dissenting opinion and demand resettlement of the issue in any subsequent meeting or may even send his/her opinion to higher committees unit the central committee for consideration through his/her respective party unit, when the respective committee fails to solve the problem within six months, he/she has the right to send his/her opinion directly also. It is, however, the discretion of the committee to decide whether to reopen the matter or not.
(d) Any member has the right to send criticism against any other party member not in his/her unit to the next higher committee. Any party member has right to send criticism and suggestions decisions taking by any party committee up to Central Committee through the next higher committee.
(e) The duties and rights of the candidate members and party members are identical but for one difference. The candidate members have no right to elect or to be elected or to vote.
(f) In case of punishment to any unit or party member, detailed explanation and discussion regarding the specific case must be conducted in his/her presence and information regarding decision must be sent to the higher committee in writing.
Malem: (Duties of cadres) Lalhouba yaobasinggi thoudang adu karino?
Mathakta thamjakhiba adugumna Lup asigi Constitution gi [Chapter 4, Articles 15-23] … makhada thamjari. The Duties of the Party Members:
Article – 15: He/she shall study and apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism lively. In the concrete condition of Manipur, he/she must be creative, firm and capable in practice. He/she should try to develop his/her consciousness from the reach experiences of party’s ideological, political and organizational line as well as style and method of work.
Article – 16: He/she shall defend ideological and political basis of the party and shall consistently wage ideological and political struggle against various types of non proletarian trends, revisionist policies, trends and style of work; ‘left’ and right opportunism, economism, parliamentarianism, legalism, reformism, liberalism, sectarianism, empiricism, subjectivism, dogmatism and anarchist concepts and trends.
Article – 17: He/she must study party organs documents and magazines regularly and must take initiative in popularizing party’s literature and collecting party fund.
Article – 18: Party members must take part actively and regularly in the day-to-day work of those party units and organizations to which they are attached. They must follow party line, programme, policies, principles, directives and decisions.
Article – 19: Every member must be ready to participate and play a vanguard role in class struggle in the form of armed agrarian revolutionary war i.e., protracted people’s war and other forms of revolutionary mass struggles. They must be prepared to take part in war and give leadership in protracted people’s war for seizure of political power.
Article – 20: He/she must subordinate his/her personal interests to the interests of the party and the people. Party members must fight for the interests of the great masses of the people, must integrate with broad masses, learn from them, rely upon them and strengthen the party relations with the broad masses. He/she must be true servant of the people, sacrifice everything for them and must go to the people for taking the solution of their problems i.e., keep to the principle of “from the masses to the masses”. He/she must be concerned about the problems of the people, try for their solutions, intimate all those things to the party in time and explain the party line and policies them.
Article – 21: He/She must not practice himself/herself, and should relentlessly fight with a proletarian class outlook against discrimination based on gender, caste, nationality, religion, region and tribe, and ruling class policies of divide and rule.
Article – 22: With the aim of helping each other, he/she must develop the method of collective functioning by comradely criticism and self-criticism. He/she must have attitude to work even with those who raise criticism and hold different views and be able at unite with the great majority, including those who have wrongly opposed them but are sincerely correcting their mistakes.
Article – 23: He/She must accept firmly in theory and practice -party unity, party committee functioning and party discipline.
He/She must safeguard the secrecy of the party. He/She must defend the party and hold its cause against the onslaught of the enemy. He/she must safeguard the unity of the party against factionalism. He/She must develop professional attitude towards his/her revolutionary work and must develop his/her level of skills, knowledge and proletarian out look.
Malem: (Award & Punishment) Party manunggi oiba award amasung punishment ki schemesing adu karino?
Poakhum: Masi thoidokna maru oiba wapham natte. Punishment ki matangdadi lup asigi chatna kanglon gi matung inna adum leppi. Lup asigi Constitution gi article da asumna mayekna ningthina palli.
Article – 28:
- a) Punishment should be given only if all other options of discussion and convincing to rectify a member or a party unit fails. Even after giving punishment efforts must be made to rectify. Policy of saving the patient and curing disease should be followed. In special circumstances to defend party security and respect, punishment should be given as soon as possible.
- b) The lower committee cannot take any disciplinary action on any member of the higher committee. However, in case of dual membership they may send their allegations and suggestions about the members of the higher committees in writing to the concerned committees.
- c) In case of gross breach of Party discipline which may cause serious harm to the party, if he/she be allowed to continue his/her membership or post in the party, a member can be summarily suspended from party membership, removed from his/her party post by his/her committee or by higher committees pending framing charge sheet and getting his/her explanation. At the time of taking such disciplinary steps, the concerned committee should specify the period by which a final decision will be taking in the matter.
- d) If any party member or candidate member (or a member at any level) does not participate in party activities or does not implement party decisions for six months without showing proper reason does not renew membership and does not pay membership fee and levy he/her shall be deemed to have voluntarily withdrawn from the party and his/her membership shall either be suspended or cancelled. Those members, who are corrupted in economic matters, degenerate politically, becomes characterless or betray the party-secrecy shall be liable to punishment.
- e) The harshest measures among all the disciplinary measures taken by the party are expulsion and cancellation from the party. Hence while taking such decision; concerned party unit shall observe utmost care. Such measures will be taken when all the efforts in rectifying the concerned-member failed. The party members appeal must be carefully examined by the concerned higher committee and the circumstances, under which he/she committed the mistakes, must be thoroughly reviewed.
- f) If persons whose party membership has been cancelled or have resigned express their willingness again to join the party, the concerned committees, should take a decision after thorough investigation. Membership should give only after testing through practice for a minimum period of six months. Only the state or Central Committee may take members once expelled from the party barring betrayals. Lower committees, May however, forward recommendations in this regard.
Malem: (Deserters) Deserters hairaga kanabu khangnabage? Karamba makhalgi deserter da karamba makhalgi cheirak award fangbage? Party yaoba meeoi amana yeknabada surrender toukhiba yabagi provision adu karino?
Paokhum: Lup asigi kanglon amattada yeknabada changjakhinabagi chatna kanglon amatta yaode.
Malem: (Surrender) Houjik chefongsingda toina lalhoubasingna surrender toubagi pao thengnajei. Masida adomgi mot karino?
Paokhum: Party party sing adugi recruitment policy da chaona asoiba leibana surrender toubagi chang asi hen-gatkapani haina loubasu yai aduga atoppa maram amana lalhougi masak thihannaba LIC [low intensity counter-operation] ama oina surrender gi program asi design toubasu lei haibasi houkhiba thoudoksingna mayek sengna takli.
Malem: (Arrest) Chahi khara asida party gi maru oiba leader / cadres sing yamna laina arrest toubagi chang hen-gatlakliba asi karidagino amasung masida kari mot leibage?
Paokhum: Houjikmakki oinadi asigumba thoudok amatta lup asida thokpa leitri. Hoi panba yai lup asigi sympathiser ani, lup asibu changjapham piramba imung amagi matei manao bu phakhibadi leire. Adubu atei phare haina sandoklibasing adu lup asiga hiram amattada mari leinade.
Malem: (Arrest) Party gi maru oiba leadersing jail da leikhiba asina party gi policy amasung programme da kadaifaoba hongdok hongjil leibage?
Paokhum: Houjik phaobagi oina Lup asigi luchingbasing amatta phaba punba leitri.
Malem: (Decline) Houjik lalhouba yaobagi masing chang yamna hntharae, lalhoubagi lupsing asi mutsillakle haiba wafam asida adomgi kari motno?
Paokhum: Adomgi wapham asi achumba natte. Lup asida yaonabagidamak mioi kaya sem saduna leiri. Lalhou haibasi panghou houba yadaba amadi yaoningi haiduna pangyaoda yaohanba yadaba adugidamak yengduna leiribani. Maoist Communist Party Manipur da yaoge haiba migi masing asi awatpa leite. Chummi senjao paiba imung manung gi mioisingna lalhou asida yaoningbagi ithil di hantharakle. Adubu mayai oina machinjak chabadagi houraga lairaba loumi sinmi gi imung ayambanadi imung hupna lalhou asida saruk yaningba henkatlakli. Phibam asimak Manipur da maoist lalhougi mai paknabagi objective condition adu leire haina louba yarakliba phibam amani.
Malem: (Difference) Adomgi party na atei party dagi kheenabasing adu fongdokpiyu.
Paokhum: Maoist Communist Party Manipur Marxism-Leninism-Maoism da yumpham thonba lairaba loumi sinmi meeyamgi political vanguard amani haibasina khwaidagi chaona khennaba amani. Eikhoigi pandam asukki matik mayek seng-ee. Madudi, new democratic revolution asina Manipur da socialism chatpa maning makha tamba leibak ama sembani. Ngasigi khutlai paiba lalhou protracted people’s war asina loilam India maru phuklaba matungda socialist leibak ama oiragadi makha ta socialist revolution amada mityeng changduna communism haiba ultimate goal adu youna chatpani. Eikhoigi pandam amasung panthung mayek sengba asimak atei mayamdagi top toppa masakni.
Malem: (Similarity) Adomgi party na atei party ga mannabasing adu fongdokpiyu.
Paokhum: India gi makhuttagi Manipur maning makha tamba leibak ama oigadabani haiba khollao asimadi mannei haina khalli. Panthung amadi mannari haibada lallaroi. Adubu eikhoigi ultimate goal di communism chatpa Manipur ama sembani.
On Self-Determination
Malem: (Definition) Manipur gi lalhoulup singna right to self determination haiba wafam asi yamna toina sijinnei. Wafam asi United Nation gi instruments singdasu yaori. Adumakpu UN gi right to self-determination haiba wafam asi areppa wahanthok leitaba wafam ama oibagumsu touri. Masida adomgi party gi observation karino amasung right to self determination gi karamba wahanthok adomgi partyna adopt toubano haibiyu?
Paokhum: Imperialist force mayamna makhoigi leingak mara chetnaba semgatpa lup amadi makhoina meeyambu ot neiba yanaba samba mechanism, organization amattada lup asina thajaba thamduna lalhou chathade. Revolution asida tactics ama oina yengba forum nattrga organization gi machaksing aduna tonganba waphamni.
Malem: (Principle) Sovereignty amasung right to self-determination gi wafamdadi Manipur furup khudingmak amasung khun kaya masa masagi sovereignty gi puwari amasung right to self-determination gi wafam leibagumna touee. Khunmeesingna khun adu makhoigini, khun-gi wangmagi meeyoisingdi meetopni haina khnbagi thouong kayasu ooba fang-ee. Asina maram oiraga Manipur asuppagi project paikhatpa or pandam sagatpada chetnaba chayetnaba kayasu thengnabagum touee. Masi adomgi party na matou karamna amasung karamba mawongda reconcile touduna Manipur sovereignty gi pandam asi mangjil thahanbage / thahannaba hotnabage?
Paokhum: Proletarian meeyambu hiram ama nattraga hiram amana maram oiduna punsinba ngamdanaba kanna hotnei. Laining kanglonna, phurup ki akhuba mityengdagi, kuchu khennabagi wakhallonda yumpham thonduna, lon tinnadabagi mityengdagi nattraga sectarian tendency singdagi meeyambu khaibung khaibung namduna tanahhali. Adubu hiramsing asida eikhoina thoidokna lumna khalluba leite. Maramdi lup asi proletarian internationalism da yumpham thonba lup amani. Achumba asina meeyam soidana punsillaktuna apunba lalhou ama semgatpa soidana ngamgani. “The Revolution recognized the rights of self determination and a multi-nation state based on national equality of nation and nationalities to be established” Wakhallon asida lup asina thajaba thamli loinana wakhallon asina achumba apunba meeyamgi pangal sagatpa ngamgani.
Malem: (Merger) Manipur na 1949 da Indiagi saruk ama oikhiba asida sukya yaningdabagi mapung oiba maram karino?
Paokhum: Matam aduda feudal society bu luchingduna leiba naharaj phamthon pairiba Bodhachandra da Manipur meeyamgi tung gi laibak lepchanabagi hak adu matnabagi hak amatta leite. Meeyamgi tung gi yaiphaba lepchanabagi hak asi meeyamda leigadabani. Adubu maharaj Bodhachandra na Shillong da chatlaga India ga agreement ama tounaramle haiduna India na Manipur bu hekta lousinbasu maram sungcha chadaba wapham amani. Anisubada thouwong adu matam adugi meeyamgi ayaba loukhiba leitabana chatnapham thoktabada nattana namphu da namtin tinkhibani haibasi mayek senghalli. Meeyamgi yaipha lambi meeyamgi apambagi matung inna semgadabani. Kanagumba amabu ningthouni ngammi haiduna mahakna meeyamgi tung gi maikei leppa lup asina keidounungda yaba ngamloi.
Malem: (Integration) India gi manungda Manipurisinggi fangfam thokpa citizenship rights, responsible government, economic grants / packages, services kaya ama fangli. Manipurisingna meekhal da elecct touduna sarkar semlaga palli. Matou karamna Manipur asi Indiana loi chnduna thamli haigadouribano?
Paokhum: Maning makha tamle hairiba India manungdaphaoba Indian maoist singna mahakki meeyambu ningkha tamnaba lanthengnari. Phibam asida Manipur gumba mitop miyanchasingna pukli pairaga leingakliba lamdam asidadi paokhum oina khumdrasu yaraba wahang amani. Adubu lup asigi party program da karamna Manipur loi chanduna loimacha oiribage haibasigi matangda palliba wapham adu thamjari.
The contemporary Manipuri society is a colonial and semi-feudal control and exploitation in the name of Democracy.
The fact derives from an objective study of the development of the socio-economic and political system ever since the British colonial period to the present Indian colonial system. When the British colonialist occupied Manipur in 1891, Manipur society was transformed into the semi feudal and colonial society. In 1947 The British colonialist were compelled to give up their direct rule over our country, the power was transferred to their political props including king and others compradors, big bourgeoisies, big landlords. After 1947, Manipur society was again transformed into a semi colonial and semi feudal society. In 1949, Indian colonialist conquered Manipur and Manipur society again transformed into colonial and semi feudal society. Ever since then the Indian colonialist adopted direct colonial rule with the control and exploitation in the name of democracy.
The colonialist depends on the Manipuri compradors who have been nurtured by them since their very inception from the British colonial period.
Manipur, the small but the beautiful home to more than thirty fraternal ethnics groups, is a historical state having a rewarded history of more than 2000 years. In her long history Manipur never became a part of India. Manipur was a recognized Asiatic state when the British imperialist invaded and occupied it in 1891. The British crown in its own wisdom, however, did not annex Manipur to their British Indian emperor. After 56 years …Manipur … [regained] her sovereign independence on 14th August 1947.
India hatched a conspiracy to make the king sign a treaty to merge Manipur with India. India invited king at Shillong and kept him under house arrest for two days. After resisting two days, the king gave signed the Manipur merger agreement on 21st September 1949. Under [the] terms of this agreement, the government of India announced the formal annexation of Manipur on 15th October 1949. The Manipur state Assembly and the Council of Ministers which was elected by the people of Manipur under the provisions of the Manipur Constitution Act 1947 by practicing the Universal Adult Franchise were forcibly abolished on the same day by an executive order of the Indian government.
The people of Manipur have never accepted the Indian annexation. Several public resolutions and a national convention have declared the Manipur Merger Agreement null and void having no legal and constitutional legitimacy as it was done under duress and not ratified by the state Assembly. At the same time, some petty bourgeoisie class and feudal class emerged out of the education system introduced by the imperialist to suit the needs their administration to the Indian National Congress, who wants to sustain their position as a social prop of Indian colonialist.
The Congress party, a group of feudal and comprador was brought forth by the British and developed by the Indian colonialist to divert and derail the anti-feudal and anti-Imperialist national liberation movement which was led by comrade Hijam Irabot and to deprived the people of revolutionary leadership. After the formal declaration of Manipur Merger Agreement, the Indian colonialist transferred the power to their faithful agents, the leadership of the Congress party, representing the comprador bureaucratic bourgeois and went behind the curtain. The Indian democracy is nothing but fake in essence. The direct colonial and semi feudal system of the British colonialist was replaced by the Indian colonialism and semi feudal under the control and exploitation in the name of democracy.
Indian colonial policy is more deceptive and more sinister form of colonialism. The domination and control of the imperialist finance capital in every sphere of our life- economic, political, military and culture continued to increase further and further. The imperialists control the key sectors of Manipur’s economy and administration. … Manipur comprador bureaucratic bourgeois class is one of the chief instruments of colonial exploitation and control of Manipur. It is completely tied with and dependent on colonialism for its existence and development. Their interests are closely interlinked with the interest of the colonialist in all fields. It is tied with imperialism and allied with feudalism. This comprador bureaucratic capitalist class, big bourgeoisies or state monopoly bourgeoisies are extremely reactionary, anti-people and anti-national and subjects the vast Manipuri masses to ruthless exploitation and oppression. They are the hurdle for the development of an independent Manipuri economy. This class is also one of the targets of Manipur’s new democratic revolution.
The Manipuri ruling classes have not only inherited the sanguinary state machinery from their Indian colonialist masters; but also have preserved and strengthened it further during the last 60 years. This state machinery is nothing but an instrument of suppression and repression, and represents the dictatorship of the comprador bourgeoisie classes subservient to colonialism. The repressive rule is sought to be covered up behind the façade of fraudulent parliamentary system. This state system represents the colonial and semi-feudal control and exploitation in the name of democracy. During the recent years, the repressive teeth of this state system has not only been further sharpened but also centralized more and more by the comprador-feudal alliance backed by colonialist. The chief weapons of this blood thirsty rule are well-organized and well-equipped modern army, paramilitary forces along with police forces, anti-people judiciary and neck-deep corrupted and powerful bureaucracy. This state machinery is extremely reactionary and anti-people. Without smashing this state machinery, any struggle for the basic rights and problems of the people and for their uplifting cannot move forward beyond a limited level. In order to consolidate Indian colonial rule and to carry on their ruthless exploitation, the Indian colonialists pressure the feudal forces and at the same time re-oriented them into such politicians who acted as their social props. Thus, the Indian rulers transformed independent and semi-feudal Manipur into a colonial and semi-feudal Manipur.
Malem: (Structural Change) Karigumba Indiagi sellam leingak asida ahongba laklabadi or karamba makhalgi structural change laklabadi Manipur adomgi party na lalhouba tokpagi pandam leigadbano?
Paokhum: Manipur na India gi saruk ama oidaduna maromdom lepchaba socialist state ama oiragadi armed movement thadoktuna communism chatpa leibak ama oinabagidamak panthaba toudana sem sagani. Phibam asi eikhoigi chap chaba phirep ni.
Malem: (Autonomy Model) Karigumba makhalgi or karamba makhalgi autonomy model ama Indian Constitution manungda laklabadi adomgi party na lalhouba tokpagi pandam leigadbano?
Paokhum: Makhal amattagi namthakta lup asina pangthaba leiroi.
Malem: (Dialogue or Talk) Adomgi party ga India Government ka dialogue or talk toukhiba leirabra? Madugi content amasung result karino? Leikhidba oirabadi leitribagi maram karino?
Paokhum: Lup asina Indian government ta wari sannaba leitri. Leikhidabagi maram asi India gi maikeidagi wari sannanabagi khanghallakpa leitri. Dailogue touba nattraga talk touba amasung toudabasi eikhoigi phibamgi khudongchaba amasung chadabagi makha pon-gani. Yeknabagi makha ponna makhoigi apamba amasung pamdabada yenglaga chathagadaba natte. Eikhoina eikhoigi phibam chaba yengduna phirep khudingmak lepkani.
On Strategy & Tactics
Malem: (Goal) Party gi mapung oiba goal karino?
Paokhum: Communism haibasina Party gi ultimate goal ni.
Malem: (Goal) Goal adu fangnabagi mapung oiba lallong poram karino?
Paokhum: New democratice revolution (NDR) asina party gi mapung phaba lallongni. NDR gi matung tarakpada socialist revolution chathaduna communism chatnaba pambei oigani.
Malem: (Class base) Lallong poram aduda luchingpurel louriba meeyoi khujok adugi class base karino? Amasung lallong asigi support base oiriba meeyoising adugi class background karino?
Paokhum: Lup asigi oina mayek sengliba waphamdi lup asi proletarian class na luchingba lup amani.
Malem: (Enemy) Anti-colonial or freedom khongjang khudingmak superstructure amasung base anigi marakta leiriba contradiction adu moderate toubani hairi. Base na superstructure gi mayokta houriba laan OR struggle aduda yeknaba pallon kaya mayoknei. Adomgi party na karambasingbu yeknabani haina loubibage. Yeknabagi category sing adu khwaidagi tamthibadagi houraga mathang manao naina haibiyu. Yaolgi karam karamba stages singda karam karamba yeknabasingbu mathang manao naina mayoknagadouribano haibadu fongdokpiyu.
Paokhum: Lup asigi military science ta hiram asigi matang da yamna kupna neinaduna thamli. Eikhoina yeknabani haina khanbasing amadi toupham thokpasing adu mayek sengna meeyamdasu khanghanduna lalhou chathariba asengba lalhoulup hairagadi Manipur da Maoist Communist Party Manipur khaktani haibadasu haimanba thokloi.
- Actions against enemy soldiers, paramilitary, police and special forces
It is undoubted that in any revolution, destroying the armed forces that are the main organ of the old state would be the central and higher task. There is no point of discussion regarding this matter. Anyway, when we are implementing forms of military operations, we must apply them in different forms according to different conditions. We must stress upon creating maximum loss to the enemy in various ambush actions (deliberate, opportunity, area, night ambushes and other such things), mine war, raids, short surprise raids, special actions and other such tactical offensive actions. Depending on these forces we will be able to isolate class enemies like informers, coverts, black gangs and hit them. Thus, we can protect the support of the masses. We must identify the weaknesses of the party and the NPGA forces with the support of the masses. Enemy is chiefly using paramilitary, police, commando forces, VDF to eliminate revolutionary movement. Chiefly, they are placing commando forces (Specially selected from state and central forces) in the first place with coordination of the exploitative government machinery and are intensifying attacks on the masses, mass organizations, party, NPGA forces as a part of the LIC. As the class struggle intensifies, the enemy forces intensify false attacks on the revolutionary movement. In such conditions, the party and the NPGA must face the enemy decisively, firmly and creatively with the support of the masses. We can defeat these offensive campaigns by eliminating the enemy, seizing weapons and immobilizing the enemy.
We must not kill the paramilitary and police that surrender in military operations but consider them as prisoners of war and respect them. We must treat the wounded. We must explain them politically that ordinary police are not enemies to revolution and that they must not work for exploitative classes but for the interests of the masses and their class. Thus, we must win them over to our side. We should not kill anyone for the only reason that they are working in the army or paramilitary forces and the police and terrorise them. Though we come across anyone in our area or if anyone comes home on a holiday, we must tell them not to turn against revolution and favorable to the class enemies.
We must explain our correct policy as mentioned above, raise the consciousness of the members of the family of persons working in enemy forces and police forces and organize them. We must help them such that they give importance to their class interests and bring their children and husbands out of the exploitative mercenary forces as much as possible and protect them.
Regarding higher officers of the enemy forces, paramilitary forces and police forces who indulged in cruel crimes in the past, we have to kill them selectively. In this process we must let the masses know about them and ask their opinion. But our actions should not be secret.
We must interrogate the police who come in various forms as spies and interrogate them. If we confirm they are spies, we must bring them before the masses, kill and announce their name.
- On killing class enemies, informers (police agents) and spies physically
We must select such persons and implement our party policy of killing them only if indispensable. By implementing mass line in guerilla zone areas and GB areas working with the aim of liberated area in our people’s courts, we must inculcate the masses to rebel against the reactionaries and achieve the conscious support of the masses in GB areas for the party and NPGA.
In plain areas where we are weak and enemy is strong, we must follow the above method in killing hard-core class enemies, informers and spies.
We must decide the punishment according to class-consciousness and the nature of the crime the person does. We must adopt a specific policy in a democratic process to prove the crime in the method of killing. If we fail to implement it, it would lead to negative consequences.
We must conduct propaganda movement so that the masses fight back the ill propaganda of the enemy. We must not take up killing in a big way. This will frighten the masses.
Normally party, mass organizations, militia and masses must participate in such actions more and more. Regarding punishing the hardcore class enemies and informers in police protection, NPGA can take proper actions if the party committee decides with the participation of the masses.
- Dealing with the exploitative ruling classes, revisionist political leaders and cadres
Our ordinary policy would be to expose the anti people, opportunist politics that aim to protect colonial and semi feudal society where imperialists, comprador bureaucratic bourgeois, feudal class exploitation and oppression. We must unveil their exploitation and isolate them from the oppressed masses politically. When we take a physical action on any such persons, the crime is more important than the specific party they are working in.
We have to selectively eliminate hardcore anti people oppressive persons and persons against People’s War. On such occasions we must concentrate mainly on the high level leadership more than the lower level cadres.
- Eliminating black gangs
The police department established counter revolutionary gangs (black gangs) these gangs were constituted with the cruelest police, traitors of revolution and people’s enemies. They can extort money from the people and committed crimes in society. They are mostly drug users, anti social elements and drugs peddler. We must eliminate such anti people, anti revolution black gangs. We must propagate the atrocities of the masses extensively and raise class hatred among the masses to punish these black gang leaders and members.
- Identifying coverts and punishing them
As the class struggle is intensifying and people’s war is achieving victories, counter revolutionary exploitative ruling classes are following covert tactics on the revolutionary movement from inside and outside to protect their rule. The main aim of such actions is to murder the Party leadership, police officers dealing the weak elements in the Party and turning them police agents. They sent police agents in the veil of revolutionaries in the Party and flowed much blood of the revolutionaries. We are unable to properly identify the intensity of enemy offensive politically, identify the coverts in time and stop them. Coverts can continue if we are not implementing the Party methods and policies strictly. The loose recruitment of the Party and NPGA will be the big sources for the enemy to prepare coverts. Party Committees, NPGA and the leadership of the mass organizations must be conscious and should not give such opportunity to the enemy. They must identify the renegades (coverts) and eliminate them. We must avoid killing in large numbers. This is against our understanding. The lower level cadre in mass organisations, Party and NPGA must decide to eliminate physically only if necessary. They must punish in a proper form. First they must be exposed among the masses. We must constantly enhance the consciousness to protect the Party leadership and awareness among the Party, NPGA, mass organizations and class perspective among the masses.
Malem: (Alliance) Yeknaba mayoknabagi lallong asida khongjanggi marup leigani. Adomgi party na karam karambasingbu karam karamba tangkakki marupni haina lougadage? Kadaifaoba karamba lipul makhada karam karambasingga marup oina chatminnabano?
Paokhum: Eikhoigi united front haibasi tangaiphadana changba lalhou gi lalong amani haina louwi. Maoism da united front haibasi three magic weaopons gi manungda maru oiba magic weapon amani. Tactical alliance amadi strategic alliance leigani. United front asida marup oigadabasing asi patriotic forces, progressive forces amadi revolutionary forces mayamsing asi panba yai. Mapham amasung matamgi makha ponna tactical alliance amadi strategic alliance ki tangaiphadabasing adu lepkani. Manipur gi ngasi leiriba phibam asida maru oiribasi Maoist na atoppa wakhallon mannaba lupsing ga tactical alliance ama mathou tari haibasi uduna leiri amadi masigidamak khong thangnaba sem sari.
Malem: (Electoral Parliamentary) Parliamentary Election da adomgi party gi firep karino?
Paokhum: Hiram asida eikhoina karisu hainingai leite. Electoral politics ta thajaba thambasu leite. Mapham amasung matamgi matung inna lup asina lalhou khumang chaosinnaba pambeising adugi kannabasing adutamak yeng-gani.
Malem: (Electoral Parliamentary) Adomgi party na houjik Indian constitution makhada pangthokliba meekhal asida karamba role louduna khongjangbu chaokhat-hnnaba hotnabano?
Paokhum: Electorial politics asina meeyamgi ngasigi phaoba kannaba purakhidri haibasi meeyambu wakhal tahanduna yawol lalhou asida saruk yaraknaba wakhal ithil pibani.
Malem: (Electoral Parliamentary) Ningtamba leibak ama semlaba matamda adomgi party na karamba makhalgi electoral parliamentary system chatnahnbagi plan leibage?
Paokhum: Ningkha tamlaba matungda proletarian na luchingba leingak ama leigani. Adugumba leingak adu proletarian singna khanba mihutsingna leingakkani.
Malem: (Party Characterisation) Handak 10th General Assembly Election da election fight toukhiba political party sing asi adomgi partyna karam karambabu kari oina masak khangbage? (Hint: All India Trinamool Congress, Bharatiya Janata Party, Communist Party of India, Communist Party of India (Marxist), Independent, Indian National Congress, Inqalab Vikas Dal, Jai Maha Bharath Party, Janata Dal (Secular), Lok Jan Shakti Party, Manipur Democratic People’s Front, Manipur People’s Party, Manipur State Congress Party, Naga People’s Front, National People’s Party, Nationalist Congress Party, Shivsena, Social Democratic Party of India).
Paokhum: India gi agents singni. Makhoibu eikhoina patriotic nattraga progressive force ni haina louba lan-gani.
Malem: (Brotherhood) Manipur based touba Manipur Police, Manipur Rifles, asinachingba asibu ee marini kht tharoi haiba wafam ama lalhoubasingna hairi. Masigi significance karino?
Paokhum: Yeknaba kana kanano haibadu mathakta sugaina pijakhre.
Malem: (Brotherhood) Manipur macha yaoba CRPF, AR, India Army asinachingbasingdadi khut tharoi haide. MP, MR, IRB, CRPF, AR, IA amasung atei forces khudingmak State ki machinery ni haina loujei. Matou karamna state ki machinery sing asibu khut khagani aduga kharabuna khut tharoi haibagi difference marker semlibano? Masigi singnifance karino amasung firep asimak hongdok hongjil naiba yaba firepla sugaina eebiyu.
Paokhum: Eikhoigi oina yeknaba kana kanano haibadu mayek sengna mathakta paokhum pijakhre.
Malem: (VDF) Village Defence Force samba hourakpa matamda masigi mayokta Heiroklomda lalhoubasingna restrictions impose touba leikhi. Nongmei kappa, kihanba asinachingba faoba toukhi. Adubu houjikti adugumba restriction adu tumil leikhre. Restrictions impose toukhiba amasung houjikna tumil leikhiba asigi contradictory tactics Or changing dynamics asi karino?
Paokhum: VDF sembasi meeyamna soidana thingba mathou tabani. VDF ta yaoribasing asi lairaba suri nomliba meeyamsingni. Senjao paiba imung gi macha masu amaphaoba VDF ta yaoramloi. Khunnai asigi nahasingbu mamal leitana khanbiduna makhoibu mamal leitana sijinnabibani. Masina lairababu mamal leitana khanbibagi mathakta lairaba masel onsinnaduna amaga amaga yengthinanaba hotnabani.
Malem: (Militarisation) Kari maramdagi party na khutlai paibagi lalhou changsinbano?
Paokhum: In our revolution, “armed struggle is the main form of struggle and army the main form of organization.” This means that our main political activity will be the war itself. The party’s political line will be mainly implemented through the war. Hence we must settle the question of military line at the outset itself. Party building and mass activities must be carried out according to the priorities and plans fixed by the military line. The party must be thoroughly transformed at all levels – ideologically, politically and organizationally – in order to make it a ‘war party’, i.e., a party capable of leading, launching and developing protracted people’s war.
In a revolution we need people’s army. If we ignore to understand such dialectics, any revolution cannot move forward. It is also very necessary to understand that how we can develop military and what are the objectives of military construction in the revolution reference to the particular condition of Manipur. Comrade Mao teaches us that the Red Army is an armed body for carrying out the political task of the revolution. Especially at present, the red army should certainly not confine it-self to fighting; besides fighting to destroy the enemy’s military strength, it should shoulder on such important tasks as doing propaganda among the masses, arming them, helping them to establish revolutionary political power and setting up party organizations. The red army fights not merely for the sake of fighting but in order to conduct propaganda among the masses, organize them, arm them and help them to establish revolutionary political power. Without these objectives, fighting loses its meaning and the red army loses the reason of its existence.
Malem: (Militarisation) Manipurda militarisation gi stage asi kari fivam yourabage?
Paokhum: Manipur da Indian military position asi asukki matik kham thengna meeyambu ot neiba, mihat mipul da halengba leitraba ichal iche kayagi ikaikhumnaba manghallaba tangkak amada leiri. Manipur meeyambu mentally colonized touduna wakhallon phaoba militaristic oihallaba thak amada leiri. Maoist Communsit Party Manipur gi oinadi military stage asi strategic defensive ki thak ta leiri loinana lup asigi political program gi matung inna semgatpham thokpa thak aduda thamoi sengna kathokpaga loinana changsilli.
Malem: (Militarisation) Khutlai paiba lup masing yamna yamkhatlakliba asida kari mot leibibage?
Paokhum: Hiram khudingmakki aphaba maram amadi phattaba maramsing soidana leigani. Henkatlakliba asigi aphaba maramsu lei aduga phattaba maramsingsu lei.
Malem: (Militarisation) Manipur digital film da hanta sunaba amadi nongmei kapnabagi scene utpagi chang hen-gatlakliba asida kari observation leibibage? Angangsinggi sannapot ama oina maru chatpa toy gun paiba / sannabagi chang pak snna hen-gatlakliba asida kari observation leibibage?
Malem: (Militarisation) Sifai khnba / recruitment ki chang hen-gatlakliba, aduga nakal amaromda tolop chang nemba VDF kumba loubagi masing chang hen-gatlakliba asida kari observation leibibage?
Paokhum: Masi divison of labor ni loinana Manipur gi lalhoubu namthanaba hotnaba LIC gi thabakni. Maisna lairaba masel napak nakpak khaidoklaga amana amabu yengthinahanduna lairabasing awaba tahannaba aronba khujil thourang amani. Phibam asina senjao paiba amadi loilam mapungsing matu namma soktana lairaba masel muknahanduna thamlaga madugi kannabana senjao paiba amadi loilam mapusingna louwi.
Malem: (Boycott) India gi Independence Day, Republic Day asinachingba boycott touba asigi significance karino? Lalhoubana boycott touba numit or thouramsingda civilian kayana saruk yabata nattana show perform touriba asida kari mot leibibage?
Paokhum: Maoist Communist Party Manipur na boycott touba matamda meeyamna mapung phana sougatpiri haibasi mayamna loina khangnariba waphamni.
Malem: (Strikes and Blockades) Toina ooba fangliba strikes amasung blockades sing asigi saklon asi karini haina mot pibibage?
Paokhum: Maram chaba meeyamgi ihouda khumang chaosin-gadaba makhalgi strikes amadi blockade sing asi aphaba khongthangsingni haina loubada lalloi. Kanglup naiba phurup masel gi marakta nungainaroidaba ithil piba strike amadi blocked na meeyamda arembada wahanba aside loilam leingakki ithil changbani haina loubadasu lalloi.
Malem: (Strikes & Blockades) Toina ooba fangliba strikes & blockades sing asiga Manipur gi ningtambagi khongjangga kari mari leinahnba ngambage amasung ningtambagi khongjangda kadaifaoba akaiba / chaokhatpa oihnbage?
Paokhum: Houjik meeyamsi polarise toure aduga chap chaba maikei ama thiriba tangkak amani. Phibam asida lup asina nattraga lup asigi mass front singna achumba maikei taklagadi meeyam hupna lalhouda saruk yarakkadabagi achouba phibam ama uba phangi. Maram aduna maram chaba strikes amadi blocked toubagi tangaiphadaba lei. Laibak thibadi yeknabasing gi punglon da khuthek tamba kharana kanglup naiba wakhallon da meeyambu amukka henna polarise tounaba hotnadaba mateng pangli. Phibam asina phurup masel gi marakta singchep thajillaktuna phurupsing asi mapangal kanba phurup amamamda tasillakli. Phibam asida meeyambu achumba maikei ama takpa ngamlagadi tasinduna mapangal kallaba phurupsing achetpa mari semgattuna apunba lantheng ama semgatpa ngamgani.
Malem: (Mass Fronts) Party gi mass frontsing asi wakhallon amada streamline toude, ngaihak ngaihakki issue sing tackle toubani, committed oiba mass base create touba ngamde haiba wafamsida kari mot leibibage?
Paokhum: … Maoist Communist Party Manipur gi oinadi revolutionary oiba mass base ama yamna mapung phana semgatli haibasi meeyamna khangnaraba wapham amani.
Malem: (Mass Fronts) Mass frontsing asi economically self sustain oide, investment toude, conspicuous consumer oiduna pressure tactics ta meeyamdagi sel khaiduna hingbani haibasida kari mot leibibage?
Paokhum: Adomgi wahang asi econmism da yumpham oiba wahangni. Economism haibasi counter revolution gi saruk amani. Eikhoina economism gi concept pu condemn touwi. Eikhoigi mass front asi revolution gi saruk amani. Makhoina invest touduna lup asi loan piba bank ama onthokpa touroi.
Malem: (Mass Fronts) Mass frontsing asina ideology campaign touduna mass base create toude, personal loyalty oina semgattuna camp followershingbu khutnekki mee oina programme singda yaohanbani, aduna revolutionary wakhallon asi meeyamda chelhanba ngamde haiba wafamsida kari mot leibibage?
Paokhum: Adomgi wapham asi eikhoigi leijariba mass front sing-na keidounungda toudaba thabaksing ni. Lup asigi oina ideological da base touba lup ama oibana lup asi toupham thokpasing masak khangna touri. Kari kari touribage haibadi madu mapham asida haipham thoktaba wapham amani haina khalli.
Malem: (Mass Fronts): Party politics asi trade unionism da based toude; youth, students, amasung meira paibee da focus touee, haibasida kari mot leibibage?
Paokhum: Lup asina changsilliba asi total war ni. Hiram khudingmakta lup asina semgat sagatli. Loubukta lou uriba loumidagi houraga sinsangda thabak suriba sinmi, mahei tamliba maheiroising, nahasing, nupi khunnai, sinpham pairiba sinmi khudingmakta.
Malem: (Students) Party gi maheiroi policy karino?
Paokhum: Maheiroi mayambu Marxism-Leninism-Maoism gi achumba kanglon khanghanduna Manipur da mannaba khunnai ama sembada maheiroisingna achouba thoudang loupham thokpa adu khanghanbani.
Malem: (Youth) Party gi youth policy karino?
Paokhum: Khwaidagi matambu luna khanjaba tangkak asi youth haiba matam asini. Wakhaldasu yamna charangnaba matamni. Asigumba matam asida youth singda leiriba energy asi achumba maikei amada meeyamgidamak thamoi sengna kathokpaga loinana yeknabasing lanthengnabagi thouna adu semgatpani.
Malem: (Children) Party gi children policy (maruoina orphan amasung destitute) karino?
Paokhum: Pikliba angangsingbu yeknaba masak khangna maramdam mama leibak nungsibagi ithil adu pibani.
Malem: (NGOs) Party na Government na Or International Finance Institution na funded touba NGOs singda kari mityeng thambage?
Paokhum: NGO nattraga INGO haibasi LIC gi saruk ama oina imperlialist na fund thadaduna petty bourgoies singbu peisa da mikahannaba hotnabasi makhoigi mathouni.
Malem: (Internationalism) International politics ta Manipur gi wafam asi country amattana fongna support toudabagi maram karino?
Paokhum: Karamba lalhoulup amabu leibak amana phongna sougatpa thengnarabage? International politics haibasi uribasing aduna loina chumlaba natte. Udribasing adubuna loina leitre hainasu louba lanbani. Comrade Mao gi wakhallon ama matang asida neinaminnaba yai madudi “The oppressed people rely first of all on their own streangth and then, and only then, on international assistance. The people who have already won victory in their revolution should help those who are struggling for liberation.” Maoist Communist Party Manipur haibasi Maoism da thajaba proletarian party amani. Koina chattuna niraga hing-gani wairaa len-gani haiba wakhallonda yumpham thonba lup ama natte.
Malem: (Internationalism) Party asina Manipur gi wafam asida United Nations ta kadaifaoba thajaba yaaba mityeng thambage?
Paokhum: Mamangdasu haijakhre lup asina thajapham thokpa maphamsingda thajaba thamduna lup asina taret tara thokna khong thangli.
Malem: (Internationalism) Matam amada Indo-Burma Revolutionary Front semkhibagi pandam, madugi achievement, madu machete takhibagi maram karino?
Paokhum: Hiram asida eikhoigi oiba mamut tana neinaba leite. Mamut tana neinadaba thijindaba amagi maramda wakhallon phongdokpa haibasi Maoism gi wangulon gi wangmadani.
Malem: (Internationalism) Manipur gi lalhou lupsingga awang nongpokki amasung Southeast Asia gi lalhoulupsingga kadai faoba chusinnana chatminnaba ngamlabage?
Paokhum: Wahang asigi paokhum pibada matang amasung matam chadaba leiri.
Malem: (Internationalism) Mamangda semkhiba strategic alliance / united frontsinggi chaorakpa wari fongdokpiyu.
Paokhum: Khara leikhre adubu mangam sanna masak thokpa phibam ama oikhidri.
Malem: (Internationalism) Akaknaba issue kharada yumfam oiba International Day khara political ritual oina pangthokpa nattana Manipur da international oiba political / democratic khongjangsingda saruk yabagi khudam leite. Aduna observe touriba numitsing adu shuptanatagi show ni, political ritual ni leitengni, tasengnamak quality leiba khongjanggi saruk natte haiba asida kari mot leibage?
Paokhum: Lup asigi oina International Department ama leiduna masigi bureau in charge nachingbasing leiduna yamna active oina thabak touri. Lup asina makha tarakpadasu henna active oina thabak tourakkani haibasi leibak meeyamgi thajabani.
Malem: (Internationalism) India manungdadi progressive forces singna Manipur gi democratic wafam kayada khongjang changba Or solidarity pirakpa thengnei. Adubu Manipur na India maunggi oiba democratic khongjangsingda solidarity extend toubagi chang yamna watli. Asigumba kaya asina Manipur gi struggle asi mityeng saandaba yamna sectarian oiba oina ootli. Wafam asida kari mot leibibage?
Paokhum: India gi progressive force sing maru oina NGO amadi INGO singna democratic movement ta sougatlabasu ningkha tambagi lalhouda sougatningba pokte. Adubu maoist ama oina chaothokchaningai oibadi India gi revolutionary class pu luchingduna lalhouriba CPI (Maoist) na ningkha tambagi lalhou asida sougattuna malem pumba khangna lup asida cherol tharakpa leikhre. Maram aduna India gi revolutionary class nadi Manipur gi ningkha tambagi lalhou asida chaona sougatli haibasida karigumba chingnaningai amatta leite haina khalli.
Malem: (Internationalism) China na Northeast (Manipur yaona) market interest ta yumfam oiba mityeng thammi, hek naksinnarubada Manipur asi pumyot yotkhinaba hotnarakkani haiba wafam asida kari mot leibibage?
Paokhum: International politics asi thoidokna araiba amadi natte. Hekta wakhalna lamba phangba popham amadi natte. Maram chadana mipaibasu lan-gani. Mipainingai oiba maramsing neinahoudaba haibasisu achouba aranba ama oigani. Eikhoina marup kanano amadi yeknaba kanano haiba masak khangna eikhoi khongpham khudingmak taret tara thokna yenglaba matungda khong thangli. Masigi mathakta eikhoigi yeknabagi yeknabasing kana kanano amadi makhoiga eikhoina kadaiphaoba chatminnaba yabage haibasi yengi. Maru oiba waphamdi eikhoigi ideology ni. Ideological relation oibasing kana kanano amadi kadaiwaiphaoba mari leinabage haibasi manungthitna eikhoina matam pumnamakta neinaduna lei.
Malem: (Internationalism) Indiagi Chinese connection, Myanmar policy amasung Bangladesh policy asina Manipur gi lalhoulupsinggi base kayada achouba setback piba asina maram oiraga Manipur gi lalhoubagi khongjang asi loisillakle haiba asida kari mot leibibage?
Paokhum: Adomgi wapham asi kadaiphaoba chumlibano amadi lallibano haibasi lup asida nattana meeyamna khangli. Luribadi Maoist Communist Party Manipur gi ihouda adomna thambiriba hiramsing asina karisu akaiba apanaba amatta pidri haibasi meeyamna henna khanglibani.
On Economic Question
Malem: (Economic programme) Party na Manipur gi damak tentatively draft touraba economic programme adu karino?
Paokhum: Socialist Political Economy. … …. ….
Malem: (Capitalist Path) Manipur da implement touriba capitalist path asida party gi observation karino?
Paokhum: Senjao paiabasing-khutkal pangalbasingna henna laina peisa talhanduna henna henna senjao paihannaba amadi henna henna khutkan pangalhannaba system amani. Masina lairabasingbu nongma nongmagi asum asum leikha tahallak-ee.
Malem: (Dependency) Manipur asi matamgi ahongba matung inna India Government ki subsidy and incentives makhada hinglakpa kuire. Manipur asi economically self reliant oide. India dagi tongan taba haiba wafam asi economically oithokpa yade. Wafam asida party gi stand karino?
Paokhum: Matamgi ahongbana purakpa awonba natte. Imperialist amadi colonial systemna namduna senmitlon leikha tahallakpana phibamasing asi pamda pamda oirakhibani. Aduga atoppa amana wahang asida hairiba self reliant oide haibasisu aranbani. Economic sector asi develop toudana thamlaga meeyamna consumer khaktamak oirakpa aduga capitalist ki distribution system asina chapkhairakpani. Phibam asi ningkha tamlaba Manipur ama oirakpa matamda athuba matamgi manungda kupkhatpa ngamgadaba ahoba amani. Masi supnagi Maoist na design touriba socialist political economy asikhaktana ahoba asi menkhatpa ngamgani.
Malem: (Disinvestment & Privatisation) Government na economic sectors kayada disinventment tourakpa aduga nakal amaromdana privatisation gi chang hen-gatlakpa asida party gi firep karino?
Paokhum: Mapung phaba loilam ama oinaba chatharakpa colonialist amadi imperialist thouramni. Meeyam gi senmitlon kham thengna leikha tahannaba sillakpa thourangni. Thourangsing asigi mayokta lup asina heina singna mayoknagani.
Malem: (Development): Party na karamba makhalgi developmental course promote toubagi firep leibage?
Malem: (Construction Sector) Government na construction sectors ta maru oina building infrastructe da invest touriba asida party gi observation karino?
Paokhum: Meeyamda kurangbal gi oiba leiteng ama utnaba hotnabani.
Malem: (Industrialisation) Manipur da industrialisation gi wafamda party gi firep karino?
Paokhum: Masi tangkak naina semkatkadabani. Ahanbada agriculture chaokhat-handuna khunnai asigi phougei ningthina chollaba matamda ahenba pothook (surplus) ama oina light industries ki raw material sing puthokpa ngamnaba hotnaduna light industry sing ningthina semgat sagatlaba matungda heavy industry sing mapung phana semgatkani. Masi socialist political economy gi ningthina plan touraba khongthang amani.
Malem: (Airport Expansion) Manipur da airport expansion gi matangda party gi firep karino?
Paokhum: Airport expansion asida mityeng khara leigani. Ahanbada masi regional base development approach amani. Anisubada India gi military strategy gi manung channa khongthang amani. Airport expansion asida Manipur meeyam-gi oiba interest amatta yaode haibada thoina akaiba leite.
Malem: (Dams) Manipur da Tipaimukh Dam amasung atei dam project ki matangda party gi firep karino?
Paokhum: Manipur da semgat sagatliba dams mayam asida local interest yenglibara haibasi ahanbada achouba wahangni. Tipaimukh dam asi Manipur gi interest sungyengmak yengdaba India gi colonial economy phagatnaba hotnabani. Dam saba haibasi tangaiphade adubu sagadouriba dam adu leiriba local meeyamgi kannaba pigadaba amadi makhoigi yelhoungeigi leijariba lan thum sok-handaba mawongda semgat sagatkadabani. Houjik Manipur da leiriba dam ayambana Manipur meeyamgi lan thum manghannaba aronba thourangna ayambani.
Malem: (Oil Drilling & Exploration) Manipur da oil drilling & exploration gidamak MNC amada lam 4000 sq. Km lom lease toukhre haiba asida party gi firep karino?
Paokhum: Lup asina thouwong asi sungyamak yaba ngamde. Thouwong asi indigenous meeyamgi natural rights loot toubani haina lougani. Thouwong asi Imperialist sing malemgi mapham khudingmakta chathariba leibakki lan thum loot toubagi khongthang amani.
Malem: (Railways) Manipur da railways line yourakpagi matangda party gi firep karino?
Paokhum: Railways yourakpagi matang asisu hiram kharada neinaba yai. Ahanbada masi regional base development approach. Aduga anisubadana Manipur gi yelhoumi muthatnaba hotnaba colonial India gi akhannaba thourang amani. Malemda missing yambada anisuba leibak ama oiriba India ga muknaba leiriba mising yamdaba Manipur gumba amada yelhou phurupsing kanjanabagi hak pibidana railways yousillakpa asina Manipur da Manipuri haiba phurup asi athuba matamda mutkhiba yabagi akiba adu mayek sengna leire.
Malem: (Look East Policy) India gi look east policy hairiba international economic network project asida party gi firep karino?
Paokhum: India gi phibannungda leiringeida Look East Policy da Manipur na keidounungda saruk yaba ngamloi. Ahanbada Manipur gi economy asi mioi kharagi khubamnungda lei. Masi Manipuri meeyam laira tannaba atamnana design touba economy policy amani. Policy asi chatnaduna leirakpasi houkhiba chahi kayadagi uba phangli.
Malem: (Loktak) Loktak Development Act ki matangda party gi firep karino?
Paokhum: Loktak Lake Development Act asi lairaba ngami meeyambu namduna amukka henna laira tannaba semgatlakpa act amani. Act asina Loktak asi senjao paiba mayamgi sendanpham oihanbaduni. Loktak lake haibasi Manipur gi yelhou wariga yamna naknaba mapham amani. Moirang Kangleirol da Loktak na achouba mapham kallibani. Asigumba Loktak asi karamna Manipur gi meeyamdagi India na munduna Manipur meeyambu soiraba senmitlon amagi makhada hinghankhibani.
Malem: (Forestry & Environment) Manipur da forestry & environment protection gi matangda party gi policy karino?
Paokhum: Anti imperialist party hairagadi eco friendly party hairagasu khangnaba yai. Imperialist ki senyam tannaba hotnabada environment amadi forest asi chaona manghan tak-hanbani haibasi malem gi mapham khudingmakta uriba achumba wapham amani.
Malem: (HRD) Human Resource Development ki matangda party gi investment karino?
Paokhum: Red with expert haiba Comrade Mao gi system aduda HRD asi develop tougani.
Malem: (Agriculture) Agricultural growth & agro based industry gi matangda party gi firep amasung achievement karino?
Paokhum: Party gi Economy gi matangda mathakta thamjakhiba wapham asida mayek sengna panjakhre haina khanjei.
Malem: (Rural Economy) Rural economic growth ki matangda party gi mityeng amasung investment karino?
Malem: (Unemployment) Unemployment haiba wafam asi yamna chayetnaba wahei ama oiri. Wafam asida party gi unemployment definition karino? Unemployment ki masing finding aduga mari leinana explanation amasung policy karino?
Malem: (Poverty) Manipur da lairabagi masing chang hengatlakle haiba wafam asida party gi explanation amasung suggested solution karino?
Paokhum: Wapham asi yamna chumba waphamni. Hiram khudingmakta ngasidi lairaba amasung inakhunbasi taseng tasengna chongthoklakli. Mahei tamphamsangda yengluragasu changdamnabada makok mathang tarakliba private school singda senjao paibasingna mahei masing tamli. Lairaba mayamna sarkar gi hanna yengsinbidraba maheitampham-sang singda lairik tamli. Leingak thouda pairibasing gi thakta yenglurabasu peisa yamna paiba mioising achouba phamnaiba oiri. Khudam oina peisa chabul chabul puthokpa ngambasingna MPS, MCS oinaduna leiri. Mayai oirap machinjak chabasingna police constable, IRB nattraga MR gi rifleman oibanachingba thengnari. Khwaidagi lairaba kangbuna VDF nachingbada mayamna unari. Houjik Manipur gi MPS officer nattraga sub inspector nachingba-sing gi imung manung ayambana thikadar, minister, MLA mayamgi macha masusingna 99.99% oiramgani. Phibamsing asina ngasidi lairaba imungsing gi macha masusing-gi tunglamchat asi loumi, rickshaw driver, gari thouba asumna oina urakle. Aduga senjao paiba angam athougi machasingna achouba leingakki phamthol oina unari. Phibam asina Manipur da lairaba amasung inakhunba anigi khal asi chaona leirakle. Manipur-gi lalhouna India bu maithiba piramduna socialism chatpa leibak ama oina proletarian dictatorship chatnadriba makhei lairaba amasung inakhunbagi khal asi asumak leigani. Manipur na India bu maithiba piraba matungda ngasi uriba chatnabi asi chatnaduna asumak leiragadi Manipur huranba senjao paiba mayamna leingakpa ngasigi lairaba meeyamna kham thengna waba phibam asidagi ahongba amatta purakpa ngamloi.
Malem: (Monopolist) Keithelda monopolist mayam ama emerge touriba amasung makhoina inflation thok-halliba asida party gi intervention karino?
Paokhum: Manipur gi hanglai leingak asi monopolist mayam asiga masak amattani. Makhoising hiram khudingmakta mari leinei. Monopolist mayam asina hiram khudingmakta mateng pangsinduna leingak asibu semgat sagatlibani. Lup asi maoist party ama oiba amadi masigi lallong asi encircles by the rurals haibasida foundation oiribanina matamgi matung inna eikhoigi achumba paring asina puraktuna intervention asi chaona lakkani. Houjikmakki oinadi mass front mayamgi thakta angambasingda mityeng changli. Meeyamna monopolist mayam asigi mayokta leplaknaba wakhallon sandokpasu leptri.
Malem: (Taxation) Lalhoubasing namduna meeyamdagi sel khai (extortion touee) hairi. Amaromda lahoubana thikadar / lallonbadagi sel khairabasu makhoisingna meeyamdagi khomgatli. Aduna party na makhoidagi louriba sel asi tasengbadi meeyamdagini. Economic margin da hingba wage labourer amadi loumeesingdi sel recover or extract toufam leite. Masida party gi explanation karino?
Paokhum: Eikhoina extortion touba leite. Maoist Communist Party Manipur gi oina seizing of political power haibani. Imperialism construction makhal khudingmakki thakta thugaibani. Comprador, big bourgeioes amadi beurocrates (CBB) gi property (lanna maral mathum tasinbasing) people’s army gi khuthangda party na seize toubasi base area semgatpagi machak amani. Extortion di colonial forces amadi makhoigi puppet force oina leiriba gang mayamna lalhougi mingchat thihannaba chathaba thouwongni.
Malem: (Percentage) Lalhoubasingna sarkarga mannaraga project singgi thika louee Or makhoigi nominee singda thika pee Or percentage chaona louee. Masina maram oiraga project ki achouba senfam saruk khuding lalhoubagi oi Or masina maram oiduna project quality maintain touhande. Hairiba wafam asida party gi explanation karino?
Paokhum: Lup asigi oina thika loubagi wapham amatta changsinba leite.
Malem: (Tourism) Lalhouba leibana tourism chaokhattabani hairi. Manipur da tourism promote toubagi wafamda party gi observation amasung policy karino?
Paokhum: Ngasiphaobagi Manipur gi poowarida mapal lamgi lam koiba lakpasingda awa ana cheitheng pikhiba leikhidri haina louba yai. India gi mapham khudingmakta mapal lamgi mioisingda awa ana piba kaya leikhre. Khudam oina foreign leibakki nupi lam koiba yengba lakpada rape toubiba phaoba yaokhre. Manipur da lalhouba leibana tourism chaokhattabani haibasi India na sandokpa aranba wapham amani. Manipur da tourism chaokhatlaktriba asidi tourist place khudingmak Indian Army na occupied touduna miliatry zone oisinbadagini. Manipur gi tourism da khwaidagi achouba mapham ama kalliba Loktak lake asigi mityengpham oiriba Sendra Tourist Spot asi highly militarize zone oiri. Manipur na ningkha tamlaba matungda tourism asi khunnai asigi achouba senmitlon ama oina semgatpa haibasi tangaiphadaba amani.
Malem: (FDI) Lalhouba leiba maramna Foreign Direct Investment leitabani. Masina chaokhatpa thilhalli hairi. Masida party gi explanation karino?
Paokhum: Chaokhatpa haibasi foreign investment ta yumpham thon-gadaba oiramloi haina khalli. Niraga hingba punsirolna keidounungda chaokhatpa ngamloi. National economy policy aduna chaokhatpa leibak ama oihan-gadabani. Nakal amaromda FDI laktabasi lalhouba leibagini haibasi India na Manipur meeyambu achumba masak khanghandanaba achouba namthak amani. Manipur chaokhatsi hairagadi masagi oiba national economy policy ama leigadabani.
Malem: (Relation of Production) Party na karamba makhalgi relation of production promote toubagi firep leibage?
On Community
Malem: (Integrity) Manipur da recognised furup 35 rom khundari. Furupsinggi sovereignty gi notion amasung homeland perception leijei. Asi mayamsi matou karamna reconcile touraga apunba stable political community ama samba oithokkadage? Manipur da khundariba furup sing asigi saktam yokkhatpagi amasung chaokhat-hanbagi kari policy leibibage? Meesing hantharaktuna mutkhiba yabagi akiba leiraba furup macha machasing asi mutkhidanaba kari policy leibibage? Ngamkhei haibasi puwarigi fivam matung inna pakthok piksin naiba potsak amani. Manipurda khundariba furupsinggi ee marisinggi ngamkheiga leibakki ngamkheiga chunnade. Furupsingna nungsinarabadi furp ateisu henna punsinnaduna ngamkhei asi pathokpasu yari haiba wafamsida kari mot leibibage?
Paokhum: The revolution recognized the rights of self determination and a multi-nation state based on national equality of nation and nationalities to be established.
Malem: (Language) Manipuri lon asi India gi VIII Schedule na masak khangbiba asida kari mot leibibage? Manipuri lon asi anouba wahei develop toudabana maram oiduna meereipakki anouba lon kayana dominate touba ooba fangle. Masida kari observation leibage amasung masi overcome tounaba kari thourang paikhatlabage? Furup apikpasinggi lonsingsu chaokhat-han-gadabani haiba wafam asida kari mot leibage?
Malem: (Diasporas) Manipuri diaspora hairaga party na karamba meeyoisingbu masak khangbage? Diasporasing asida yengliba mityeng amasung makhoida thamliba paandam adu fongdokpiyu.
Malem: (Immigration) Adomgi party na karamba meeyoisingbu outsider / foreigner haina khangnabage?
Paokhum: 1951 gi mamangda leiramba amadi makhoigi chada naodabu eikhoina Manipuri haina khangnagani. Masigi matungda changlakhibasing adubu outsider haina khangnagani.
Malem: (Immigration) Burma, Bangladesh, Tripura, Assam amasung atei mafamsingda khundariba Meetei amadi Manipur ngamkhei wangmada khundariba community affliation oiba Kuki-Chin- Mizo kaya asi na kangbusing asi Manipur da chanlakke hairabadi makhoibu immigrant / outsider / foreigner oina reject tougadra or accommodate tougadra? Sugaina fongdokpiyu.
Paokhum: Manipur gi wangmada khundariba Meeteising yaona Manipur gi leihaodagi leihoukhiba phurupchasing Manipur da amuk hallakpa matamda makhoibu yelhoumi ama oina phangpham thokpa haksing adu soidana phanghan-gani. Atoppa phurup singna changlakpa thoklagadi madu marup mapang ama oibagi marida loinagani.
Malem: (Immigration) Adomgi party gi immigration policy adu fongdokpiyu. Manipur dagi maheiroi amasung job seeker kaya lishang sitna India gi atei mafamsingda emigrate touba asida adompgi observation karino?
Paokhum: Masi khunnaigi political amadi economy policy asi phibam phattabana hingnabagi lanphamda chatnakhibani. Lup asigi mityengdagidi khunnai asibu aphaba khunnai ama oihannabagidamak awa ana pumba khangminnaba chumgani. Eihakki leikai phattre haiduna khul hongbasi achumba phirep ama oiroi haina khalli. Eikhoina eikhoigi khunnai semgatnabagi aphaba lambi ama puraknabagidamak awa ana khangningdabasi isagi touphak thokpa thoudang louningdaba pangdaba amadi michel gi wakhallonni. Ahenba wakhal lousing phangnabagidamak akhannaba mityengda matik chaba khanduna thaba haibasina atoppa aphaba maikei amani. Adubu tangaiphadana Manipur ama oina mahak mahakna leiriba maphamsing adudagi tangaimak phadaba Manipur gi khanduna loupham thokpa thoudangsingdi tangaiphadana lounaragadi madusu aphaba maikei amadi oigani.
On Welfare State
Malem: (Wahanthok) Karamba khunnaigi fivambu welfare state haina party na masak khangbage?
Malem: (Women) Manipur asi patriarchal khunnai amani. Nupising asi nupagi chindung makhada hingee haiba wafam asida kari mot leibage? Nupisingbu cultural repository oiduna makal makhalgi restriction kaya thammi. Nupasingdadi masigumba restriction thamde. Aduna gender discrimination lei, male chauvinism lei haiba wafamsida kari observation leibibage? Lalhoubasinggi manungda mayum pallaba macha leiraba nupi cadres singbu rank down touee or active membership tagi ming louthok-ee. Aduna nupeesing asi discriminate touee haiba wafam asida kari mot leibibage?
Malem: (Workers) Manipur gi sinmising asi karamba fivamda leiribage? Immigrant workersing mapandagi pusillakpa asida kari observation leibage? Manipur sinmeesinggi oiba khongjang mapanggal sonbagi maram karino? Lalhoubasingna sinmeesinggi khongjangda thoina interest loude haiba wafam asida kari mot leibage? Party gi oiba sinmeesinggi programme karino?
Malem: (Peasants) Party gi oiba loumeesinggi programme karino?
Malem: (Education) Manipur gi education asi privatisation touba asida kari observation leibage? Manipur university asi central university onkhiba amasung atei Central University lingkhatlakpa asida kari observation leibage? Houjik Manipur da CBSE henna pamnarakpa asigi maram amasung masida kari observation leibage?
Malem: (Medical Sector) Hospitaldagi chingna medical sector gi saruk ayamba privatise tourakpa amadi private hospitalsing lingkhatnarakpa asida kari observation leibage? Government hospital singda thabak touba doctor singna mayum mayumda amasung private clinics kayada sel yamna louduna layengbagi chatnabi ama leire. Masida kari observation leibage? Leita laira meeoising, private company amasung self employee singda medical insurance / subsidy fangdaba asida kari observation leibage? Medical sector gi growth asi Manipur-manungda inter-regional disparity leiba asigi impact amasung masida kari observation leibage?
Malem: (Reform) Party na paikhatpa social reform thabaksing adu kari karino? Kadai faoba mai pakpage, kadaifaoba khudongthiba mayoknabage, amasung karam karamba lepkhrabage? Mapung oina khunnaida reform mathou tarakliba adu karidagino amasung kari paandamno?
Malem: (Judicial) Indian judicial system asida kari observation leibibage? Traditional judicial system da kari observation leibibage? Party na involve touduna warak watemba asina parallel judicial system ama leihnbadouna touee. Masida kari observation leibage? Partyna lingkhatpa judicial system asigi pandam and impact karino? Masina kadaifaoba state judicial system asiga mannabage or khennabage? Tongan tonganba party singna lingkhatlakliba tongan tonganba judicial system asina thok-halliba chayetnaba amasung masi reconcile toubagi wafamda observation thmbiyu.
Malem: (Sports) Manipur da sports yokkhatpaga mari leinana party gi observation amasung policy fongdokpiyu. Manipur gi sports personsing asi active service ta thabk changnei. Active service haibasi lalhoubasinggadi lan-kapnadouribani. Masida party gi mot karino?
Malem: (Servants) Manipur da sex business amasung domestic servant masing hen-gatlakpa asida kari observation leibage?
On Cultural Question
Malem: (Religion) Manipur asida laining laison masing yamna chatnei. Makhoising asi yetnahndaba haibasi santi gidamak mathou tai. Masida mot karino?
Paokhum: Laining haibasigi leipham thokpa chang ama leigani. Leipham thokpa chang adutamak leigadabani. Leipham thokpa chang adudagi hentok henjil lakpada meeyambu khaibung khaibung tannahanduna meeyamgi lalhoubu sonthahannaba machak ama oi. Meeyamgi apunbagi liching leitragadi social, Political amadi economy da chaona akaiba pi.
Malem: (Moral policing) Houjik changsilliba restaurant cleansing drive asida kari mot leibage? Manipur da huran chinthi amasung nisha laichubagi chang hen-gatlapa asida kari observation leibage?
Malem: (Holiday) Manipur gi holiday lists sing asida meetei oriented oibasingna dominate touba aduga apikpa furp kayagidi sukyao yaodaba asida kari observation leibage?
Malem: (Dress Code) Manipur da nupisinggi dress code impose touduna sari nachingba mayanggi dress setpa thingba asigi explanation karino? Athingba asi kadaifao mai pak-ee, amasung kadaifao oithokpa yabage? Adubu nupadi khudei prescribe toudaba amasung athingba aduk hakna thamdaba asigi maram karino?
Malem: (Art & Dances) Sarkargi institution kayada apikpa furupsinggi jagoi eesei amadi art asinachingba syllabus manung chndaba asida party gi kari observation no?
On Media & Information
Malem: (Publicity) Adomgi party na karam karamba londa amadi mayekta publicity toubage?
Paokhum: Malem gi tongan tonganba lon kayada maoist ki leiriba lup kayana handoktuna lup asina malem sinba thungna paojel piri. Chap chaba lon kayano haibasi chap chana haiba ngamjadre.
Malem: (Wall poster): Matam amada wall posters / painting kaya pak sanna tourammi. Madugi impact karino? Madu lepkhibagi maram karino?
Paokhum: Lup asigi oinadi lepkhiba natte hourakpada ngairi.
Malem: (Pamphlet) Matam amada pamphlet asi pak snna chairammi. Madugi impact karino? Madu lepkhibagi maram karino?
Paokhum: Lup asigi oina pamphlet chaibagi thabak asi houjik phaobada chathaba leitri. Adubu lup asina pamphlet asi phongna chaiba ngamdabagi maram hairagadi yeknaba lanmi gi masing asinani.
Malem: (Publication) Adomgi party gi oiba booklet, dossier, journal, bulletin asinachingba publicna laina access touba ngamdaba / fanghandabagi maram karino?
Paokhum: Lup asigi publication ayambana laina Manipur gi meeyamna phangba ngamli.
Malem: (Visual & Audio) Adomgi party gi oiba video, audio, website, clip asinachingba publicta circulate toudba / touba ngamdabagi maram karino?
Paokhum: Lup asigi oinadi mayamda loina phanghalli.
Malem: (Language) Adomgi party gi lalhou asi India manung amadi wangmada youhnnaba hindi, English amasung atei lonsingda literature puthokpa leibra? Hindi da puthoktuna india manungda circulate touba thengnade. Masigi maram karigino?
Paokhum: Lup asigi oina Hindi da publication leite haibasi achumbani. Lup asina angamba thakta paikhatpham thokpasing adu paikhatli adubu lup asina ngamlaba matamda leirakpa oisanu.
Malem: (Research) Adomgi party na research ta based touba scientific paper fongdaba or internet ta thiba fanghandabagi maram karino?
Paokhum: Lup asigi oinadi ayamba paper sing mayamda youhalli.
Malem: (Horizon) Adomgi party na press ta happa cherol pumnamak Manipur manunggi issue kharada yumfam oi. Malem gi thakta adomda issue raise toude. Aduna adomgi party gi wakhallon, tactics and network asi international oide haiba wafam asida kari mot leibibage?
Paokhum: Lup asigi oina tangaiphade haina khanba cherol pumba world wide circulation pi.
Burning Issues
Malem: (Inner line Permit) ILP gi khongjanggi matangda adomgi mot thambiyu.
Paokhum: Meeyamgi eehouni. Masina alternative means amani haina meeyamna khalli. ILP gi issue asida chumnagi ILP oina ubagi mathakata meeyamda political consciousness ama leire haibasi achumbani. Ihou asigi nung-gi Ichel asi khangminnaba yamna maram chai. Yeknaba masak khanglakpagi thak wanglakpani haina angka hotpada phol soidana tagani haina khalli.
Malem: Naga Alternative Administrative Arrangement Model asida mot?
Paokhum: Phurup masel gi marakta singchep thanaba sinbani. Alternative arrangement na Naga meeyamgi issue pumba resolve touba ngamloi. Masina Naga bourgeiose masing henkatlaktuna Naga meeyam kham thengna awaba phibam ama soidana oihallakkani.
Malem: Kuki Statehood Demand asida kari mot?
Paokhum: Kuki ichil inaosing gi phibam asi oithokloidabani haibasi mayek sengna khangba meeyam ama leiri. Asengbasu demand asi Kuki bourgeoies mayam na Kuki lairaba mayambu ot neibada khudongchanaba phibam sembani.
Malem: (AFSPA) AFSPA repeal gi matangda adomgi mot thambiyu.
Paokhum: Colonial Act ama thamaba haibasi colonialist sing gi apambani. Manipur meeyamnadi Act asi repeal toukhiba pammi.
Malem: (Peace) Santi purakpagi matangda adomgi mot thambiyu.
Paokhum: Eikhoi santi pamba mioini. Santi thugairibasi eikhoi natte. Ingna chikna leijagadaba Manipur bu namlou lousinkhibadagi Manipur da charangnaba asi thoklakpani. India na chatkhraba matamda Manipur da tung koina santi purakpa ngamgani.
Malem: (Democracy) Democracy leihanbagi matangda adomgi mot thambiyu.
Paokhum: Lup asina khwaidagi maram chaba democracy adu Manipur da chatnahan-gani. Houjik chatnariba democracy asidi senjao paiba mayamgi khutsu thangni. Khutsu thang asi pairaga soidatningba lairaba kayagi Lurel kakli.
Malem: (Warlordism) Khutlai paiba warlords mayam thorakpagi matangda adomgi mot thambiyu.
Paokhum: Masi LIC gi saruk amani. (Low intensity Counter-operation (LIC) asi India na Northeast amadi Maoist effected area da lalhoubasing namthanaba maikei anidagi haibadi military operation amadi development project kaya chathariba NGO mayam semgatliba kaya asi bu khangnei. Military operation asibuna iron bullet haina mean touwi. Aduga development project, NGO, communal Politics kaya asibuna sweet bullet haina khangnei. Animaksi lalhouba namthanaba hotnabani.)
Malem: (Communalism) Manipur manunggi oiba communalism gi matangda adomgi mot thambiyu.
Paokhum: Masi LIC gi saruk amani.
Malem: (Class question): Manipur da laira inakkhunbagi khallon khennabagi chang amasung fivamgi matangda adomgi mot thambiyu.
Malem: (Guerilla war) Yeknabaga mayoknakhiba lanfamsinggi matangda adomgi narratives thambiyu.
Malem: (Stage of Revolution) Manipur gi stage of revolution gi matangda adomgi mot thambiyu.
Name: Comrade Nonglen Meitei
Retired / Active: Whole Timer Party Member
Name of the Party: Maoist Communist Party Manipur
Batch Year: 2011
Party Rank: Working as Secretary Publicty and Propaganda
Date / Place: 21st September 2013