IRAP Highlights
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How Inca wisdom can fix our food crisis
By Agustin Zsögön, Brazil in Agustin Zsögön, Brazil The world currently has only 10 weeks of wheat supplies left, a far cry from the

Indonesia’s farmers adapt to climate change
By Subejo, Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta As the effects of climate change become more apparent, long-held traditions will need to be resurrected. Others

Massive Landslide at Tupul, Tragedy Still Unfolding; Single Use Plastic Banned; Central Team Inspects Border; 80 Myanmar Nationals Held; JNIMS Doctors Transplant Kidneys
The death toll due to a tragic mountain landslide near the Tupul Railway Station Construction Site at Makhuam village blocking Ijei River rose to 27

Malaysia says no to single-use plastic and prepares for replacement with bio plastic
By Thoo Yin Yin, Monash University Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia wants to get rid of single-use plastic by 2030. Bioplastics may help it

Chaos Internalised and Why Manipur Must Do Everything to Unwind the Mess
Can chaos be described any better way than what we have witnessing in Manipur for decades now? Everybody is a law unto himself, beginning from

Mutant legacy of a British era law in Manipur
Following the invasion and occupation of Assam and Manipur by the Seventh ruler of the Konbaung dynasty, King Bagyidaw of Burma in the early 19th

Why Can’t The Manipur Government Adopt 1951 As Base Year For Determining Non-Idigenous Persons And Non-Permanent Residents Of Manipur?
Many organisations and individuals have criticised the Manipur Inner Line Permit Guidelines, 2019 published in the Manipur Official Gazette on December 31, 2019 as toothless

Manipur Celebrate’s International Yoga Day 2022 with Humanity Across the Globe
Millions of people across the globe celebrated International Yoga Day performing many yogaasnas. International yoga day is celebrated on June 21 every year. The theme

Why Plastics Are a Threat to Life and Manipur Must Fight to Overcome this Challenge
Plastic items which have been used everyday by people, household wastes starting from kitchen left overs thrown at improper places leads to various types of