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New Zealand’s abortion law puts pregnant people at the centre
By Jeanne Snelling, University of Otago in Dunedin New Zealand’s pro-choice laws do not equate to indifference to foetal life. When the United States

Sexism and reverence for motherhood linked to anti-abortion views
By Danny Osborne, University of Auckland in Auckland Beliefs about a woman’s ‘proper’ place in society are behind the some perplexing contradictions in attitudes to

Class 10 Exam 2022 Results Out, COVID-19 Positive Cases Increases, Security Beefed at Moreh Following Killings, Bodies of 12 Victims Still Missing
Manipur Board Class 10 Exam 2022 Results Out The results of High School Leaving Certificate Examination 2022 (Class 10) conducted by the Board of Secondary Education Manipur

Tupul Tragedy Again Demonstrates Nature Can Also Become What Yeats Described as “A Terrible Beauty”
It is never easy to rationalise tragedy, but terrifying as the Tupul landslide in which 21 are already known killed and the fate of scores

How Maharaja Marjit Singh Came to Leave Behind Descendants in Myanmar
British writer Horace Hayman Wilson, M.A., F.R.S. in his book “The History of British India: From 1805 to 1835” had clearly stated that the petty

If Myanmar Nationals Fleeing Military Persecution Are Not Given Shelter as Refugees Under a Regulation, They Will Become Part of Manipur’s Burden of Immigrants
Myanmar nationals who fled their country to avoid military persecution and civil unrest since the 2021 February 1 military coup to Manipur for safe haven

Manipur Needs to Urgently Evolve a Comprehensive Mechanism to Mitigate the Threats as Well as Consequences of Natural Disasters
The incessant rainfall in Manipur in the past few days has caused floods and landslides in many parts of the state. Landslides are a frequent

A Super Nutritious Healthy Tea (Chakhao Cha): How Best to Prepare it
Tea has become a popular hot energy drink with different ingredients and aroma from all over the world ever since Emperor Shen Nung discovered tea

Khuga Dam: A Project Which Began With a Bang but Delivering no More Than a Whimper
Time and again, a fear psychosis resurfaces over ill structures of Khuga Dam. With this year’s heavy monsoon this fear has been accentuated. Zoumunnuam village