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80th Anniversary of Battle of Kanglatongbi Honors WWII Heroes in UK
Waari Singbul Network (Sanathoi Bachaspatimayum) LONDON: The remembrance service of the Battle of Kanglatongbi, also known as the Lion Box of Kanglatongbi, hailed as

Is AI Pushing Boundaries or Killing Creativity?
By Shahirah Hamid AI’s integration in the arts and creative industries sparks debates on ethics and innovation, challenging traditional artistic boundaries. When the fifth and

Lok Sabha Election in Manipur and the False Flag of Clash Between Theory and Practice
The runup to the 18th Parliamentary election in Manipur is proving to be very different from past trends. It is understandable that in small states

Battle for Inner Manipur: BJP and Congress Emerging as Front-Runners Amidst Ethnic Unrest
Waari SIngbul Network Imphal: Amidst the ongoing ethnic unrest in the State, the Inner Manipur Parliamentary Constituency emerges as a pivotal battleground between arch-rivals

Manipur Govt’s Forest Survey Move One of the Triggers for Current Manipur Conflict
When a patient goes to a doctor for treatment, he is asked many questions on the history of his complaints, symptoms experienced by him, environmental

Mirabai Chanu, a Born Winner Now Poised for Paris Olympics, Appeals for Communal Harmony and Blessings
Waari Singbul Network Imphal: After a grueling six-month journey of rehabilitation from a hip injury, Mirabai Chanu, the esteemed Indian women weightlifter, has made

Displaced Person Expresses Hesitancy in Taking Part in Lok Sabha Elections
The 18th Lok Sabha Election is getting closer. Yet many displaced people are in the state of reluctance in exercising their voting. Government has taken

CM Biren and Manipur BJP’s View of Centre’s Stance on Manipur Issue is Contrary to How Opposition Parties Perceive it
Even as the people of Manipur are offended by the chosen silence of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and inaction of the Government of India

Amidst Wide Disenchantment at Continuing Conflict Election Has Come Knocking at Our Door
Now the election is knocking at our door. But some sections of the population express that the timing of the election is not conducive to

The Kingdom of Pong and the Conquest of Khampat by the Combined Forces of Pong and Meitei (1470 AD): Resulting in Cultural Exchanges
(These accounts are in accordance to Sorarel Machana Khunkumba, in

Rethinking Education in COVID Wake. Online Classes and Education System
The 21st century is an era of digital transformation, a

Cinema Dreams: The Longing of Many to Take Their Personal Misfortunes and Make Them Into Art
He lets loose a flurry of choice abuses in Bihari

What Centre May be Expecting from R.K. Ranjan as Minister of State Without Independent Charge
Ministerial berths redistribution in the recent Union Council of Ministers

Assessment and Marking Norms for HSSLC in the Wake of COVID Predicted to Disadvantage Meritorious Students
While there can be no complaints that Higher Secondary School

GARIBANIWAZ (PAMHEIBA): The Master of Manipur and Upper Burma (West of Irrawaddy) (1709-1748)
Garibaniwaz, locally more popularly known as Pamheiba, was the greatest