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As The COVID Chain Breaks, The Damaged Chain of Interrelated Economic Activities Needs to be Rebuilt
[avatar user=”Nabakishore” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file” target=”_blank”]OINAM NABAKISHORE SINGH[/avatar] Since the lockdown on 25th March, 2020, imposed by the Government to break the chain of infection
Using SLAPP and Unwarranted Arrests, Manipur Government is Silencing Dissenting Voices
Manipur’s COVID-19 fight has brought to the fore the best as well as the worst within itself. In the course of a month or so
COVID Response Must Not Descend Into Election Campaigning; Kerala Model Shining Example For Manipur
[avatar user=”Chitra Ahanthem” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file” target=”_blank”]CHITRA AHANTHEM[/avatar] The Covid pandemic in India today is not just a good indicator of the state of health
BRO Speeds Up Challenging Work on Mountainous Roads and Bridges in COVID Battle
[avatar user=”Anil” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file” target=”_blank”]LT. COL. ANIL BHAT[/avatar] Truly and most justifiably, the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) is in the essential services list through
Use Time Won After Flattening Curve to Prepare for Next Stage of COVID Battle
[avatar user=”meihouba” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file” target=”_blank”]PRADIP PHANJOUBAM[/avatar] It is reasonably to believe that Manipur is for now coronavirus free. In the one month of lockdown

Border Fencing is Good COVID Control Measure but Already Causing Additional Livelihood Losses
Despite disruptions from Myanmar authorities, Manipur government has intensified temporary border fencing to contain the spread of COVID-19. Following the closure of Gate No. 1
Small Businesses Which are Averse to Social Distancing Despair They May Never be Able to Revive Health Again
[avatar user=”R.K. Lakhi Kant” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file” target=”_blank”]R.K. LAKHI KANT[/avatar] Four hajams (barbers) who pooled in resources to establish a briskly operating haircutting salon at

As Cinema in Northeast Battles to Break Free of Stereotypes, it Throws up Brilliance and Decadence in Equal Measures
Once in a while Indian film festival circuits are bowled over when extraordinary stories from the Northeast region make their appearances. Starting from 2016, the

The Freudian Undercurrents in Kanheilal’s Timeless Tamna Lai
[avatar user=”Pradip Phanjoubam” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file” target=”_blank”]PRADIP PHANJOUBAM[/avatar] It has been four years since, Heisnam Kanheilal, a doyen of Manipuri theatre and founder of the