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‘I am the way I am because of my Teachers’ rings in everybody's mind on Teachers’ day

The Person Called Teacher: Celebrating Teachers’ Day

Every year in India, on 5th September students celebrate Teachers’ day to show their gratitude and pay respect to their teachers. On this day the sun shines more brightly upon the face of Teachers. Students wake up with smile and gratitude to celebrate the teachers’ day. It is celebrated to commemorate the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the second President of India, who was a great teacher and educator. On this day Teachers are honoured for their important contribution in educating the young minds shaping in sacrifice for development of society as a whole. For those who were passed of their academic career, the occasion of Teachers day is one of the most beautiful memories that one can recount of, and for the students the school remain a temple of learning being grateful to the teachers for their valuable contribution heartily.

‘I am the way I am because of my Teachers’ is what rings in the mind of each one of us on Teachers’ day. Teachers are like our family members and friends who help us learn many things. We can’t imagine a world without them – we will not know how to read or write/ to express our thought and feeling to be creative and imaginative. Our lives are this way because we have our teachers who motivate us to try new things, learn about new concepts and be ready to explore the world when we grow up.

The word ‘teacher’ just simply doesn’t translate to the word Guru. In fact in Sanskrit language there are specific words denoting the qualities of a teacher. The one who provides you an information is call Adhyapath, the one who combines information and knowledge is an Upadhaya, the one who has in-depth knowledge of a particular subject is called a pandit, the one who trains you or imparts you with a specific skill is call an Archarya, the one who has a visionary view on a subject is call a Drishta and the one who truly awakens wisdom within you and takes you from darkness to light is call a Guru. We all are in one form or other a teacher of some sort. It also allows us to think what kind of teacher we have had.

Teaching profession from time immemorial has always been considered as a noble profession. This noble profession comes with much responsibility and duty towards students. Teachers do not only teach and impart knowledge but inspire and motivates students for life and take important steps in life. They keep working to boost the confidence of students and direct them in the right direction. Today in this advancing world with changing environment, the teacher needs to have the qualities of being patient and approachable. They say that ‘Patience is a virtue’ and this couldn’t be truer for teachers. He or she should be enthusiastic and possess strong communication skills which will add to his teaching personality. Strong knowledge and a solid education also imply gaining respect from your colleague and students. Knowing the topic, the subject matter and being equipped with the subject will definitely boost the self-confidence and morale of a teacher.

Believing in discipline is important in all profession. It is a way to command respect from students as discipline is an index of integrity in a teacher. Apparently this seems to be a fading trend in teaching profession today. However it cannot be a compromised stand in teaching career. Lack of Professionalism in teaching also has become a matter of concern today. Professionalism also means being composed when having to make tough decisions and knowing when to draw the line when it comes to the student-teacher relationship. It is not about uncompromising attitude but it is about teaching it the hard way at times. It is doing it the way ‘firmly but gently’. Every teacher must act justly and firmly as professional. By this students are shaped and formed in godly image.

On this day, we show our love to our teachers and express our gratitude saying ‘Thank you Teacher, you mean a lot to my world’. Let us be grateful to teachers who always strive to teach us the best things. They share their knowledge and experience through activities, games, and talk besides classroom teaching. If it were not for them, we would have given up on the tedious lesson we had trouble learning. We are eternally grateful to our teachers for making education interesting, accessible and easy. Under the guidance and support of teacher, let us face the new world with a new vision.  It is because of them, we feel confident and ready to take on the world in our life every day!

“What the teacher is, is more important than what he teachers”
Karl Menninger

1 thought on “The Person Called Teacher: Celebrating Teachers’ Day”

  1. Gabriel Mukhia

    Beautifully Crafted Rev Fr Joseph..
    May God bless u and may you keep doing good for his greater glory.

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