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China’s older people risk curtailing the prosperity they created
By Xiujian Peng, Victoria University in Melbourne China’s economic and family planning policies of the 1970s ushered in a ‘golden age’ of growth. But

Five Countries Raise AFSPA in NE India at UNHRC Review; Union Tourism Minister Reddy Opens Sangai Festival 2022; Film Bazaar Features Manipur Pavilion in Goa
Five Countries Raise AFSPA in NE India at UNHRC Review Five countries including USA, Germany and Pakistan, raised issues of the Armed Forces (Special Powers)

Manipur Must Remember Roads Connect but Also Divide, They Also Leave Behind Legacies Beyond Easy Imagination
The news that over Rs. 15,000 crore funds have been earmarked for building Manipur’s highways is welcome. There is unlikely to be anybody unhappy with

Qatar’s migrant worker treatment a red card for World Cup
By Suman Mandal, Pokhara University in Pokhara The reverberations of Qatar’s migrant worker deaths will linger over the upcoming World Cup. Whether it leads

Union Home Minister Directs to Detect Around 100 Illegal Immigrants in Every State and Deport Them While Manipur Has Been Chronic With Illegal Immigrants for Decades
While the issue of illegal immigrants has been continuing to cause demographic imbalance in Manipur for many years, the Union Home Minister Amit Shah has

Can India seize the demographic advantage?
By Jayan Jose Thomas, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in Delhi If India is to seize the advantage of its burgeoning young workforce, it

Of Grit, Guts and Gallantry: Celebrating Veer Lachit
They say “It is fatal to enter a war without the will to win it”. Having said that, one can only imagine, the vigour, the

Secularism and its discontents in New India
Abstract Secularism is the pillar of any democratic polity. It is the sin qua non of the modern nation-state. In India, it is more relevant

Echoes of Agony
Maya Angelou, acclaimed memoirist and author of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings states that there is no greater agony than bearing an untold