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A Closer Look at the “Chinese Plan” of Combining Conventional Medicine with Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating COVID-19
[avatar user=”Sanjoy” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file” target=”_blank”]SANJOY SINGH NINGTHOUJAM[/avatar] The COVID-19 pandemic has put nearly one-third of humanity under lockdown. It may snowball and lead to
Other Dark Times of Epidemics Manipur has Gone Through in its Recent History
[avatar user=”R.K. Lakhi Kant” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file” target=”_blank”]R.K. LAKHI KANT[/avatar] These are hard times with the Novel Coronavirus threatening to knock at the doors of
Basic Financial Literacy Vital for General Public to Ward off Fraudulent Players in the Financial Market
[avatar user=”Nabakishore” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file” target=”_blank”]OINAM NABAKISHORE SINGH[/avatar] Manipur has witnessed a large number of frauds by individuals and organizations from within the state and
COVID-19 Response Too Has to be Sanitized and Rationalized: Overreaction is as Dangerous as Underreaction
[avatar user=”Amarjit” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file” target=”_blank”]G. AMARJIT SHARMA[/avatar] A few weeks ago, a senior doctor at Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi, spoke with NDTV and urged
Predatory Airlines Rob Desperate Passengers Amidst Covid-19 Scare: Extent of Damage to Manipur Economy Will Depend on Duration of Crisis
[avatar user=”Amar” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file” target=”_blank”]AMAR YUMNAM[/avatar] Rudolf Virchow wrote in his Report on the Typhus Epidemic in Upper Silesia in 1848 thus: “epidemics resemble
Even in Grave Crisis, Manipur Must Not Abandon its Humanity or Sanity
[avatar user=”Pradip Phanjoubam” size=”thumbnail” link=”file”]PRADIP PHANJOUBAM[/avatar] The dreaded Coronavirus is here. An unfortunate girl returning home from her studies in London had the virus. She
The Battleplan Must be to Keep Both Public and Public Health Infrastructure Battle Fit
[avatar user=”meihouba” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file”]PRADIP PHANJOUBAM[/avatar] Precaution without panic must be how the state must prepare for the possible – in fact if trends worldwide
Intellectual Style and Public Sphere: Testimonies of a Socio-Political Decadence
The recent controversy over the observation made by a well-known activist and public intellectual in Manipur on the reasons for women going in for caesarean
Book Excerpt (Translation) / Coinage and Currency of ‘Bau Singh Gi Oina’ in Manipuri Lexicon
In our growing up years, our elders often used to say, ‘Bau Singh Oina’ translated as ‘Bau Singh’s left’. They often used to taunt us