IRAP Highlights
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AFSPA is a Case of the Law as a Barrier Before Justice Dispensation in HR Violation Cases
The clamour for justice, including the repeal of AFSPA has grown louder after killing 14 unarmed civilians by the Indian armed forces in Nagaland. The

Pressing Government of India for Withdrawal of AFSPA from Manipur is Not Sensible as Disturbed Area is Declared by the State Government
In the wake of Oting Massacre, the movement against the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), 1958 has renewed. Besides condemnations against the Oting Massacre

Nagaland ambush reopens old AFSPA wound in Northeast
Debates on the controversial law, the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, AFSPA-1958, has stormed back into centre stage in the wake of the outrage against

A monumental mistake fomented by impunity: Anguish unabated as no sign of end of AFSPA
There are no words to express the outrage and grief over the killing of 14 civilians (the toll so far) in Mon district of Nagaland,

COVID-19 has pushed global health to the centre of international politics
By: Tasha Wibawa and Karthik Nachiappan A lapse in public health diplomacy, long sidelined to seemingly more pressing issues of international trade and security, saw

Omicron is a Product of Vaccine Apartheid
By: Obijiofor Aginam The unintended consequence of vaccine apartheid has left billions of people in poor countries unvaccinated – creating opportunities for COVID-19 to mutate.

CSCHR urges Manipur CM to join call for AFSPA abrogation after Oting massacre
Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights in Manipur and the United Nations (CSCHR) has urged the Chief Minister of Manipur to join the other Northeast

How Endemic Conflicts Also Generate Myriad Vested Interests Even Among Those Fighting it
“Thank you for the tragedy, I need it for my art.” Music lovers of the1980s and 1990s generation will remember the disdain in this statement

Nation as a Cultural Community is Divisive by Definition, as a Political Community it Becomes Integrative
The “Battle of Plassey” that led to the English ascendancy in Bengal proved to be the basis for the expansion of English rule in India. The battle