“The New Year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.”
Melody Beattie
The calendar year 2024 has finally come to the close only to flip another new calendar page. Every year has its own good experiences learning. And 2024, in spite of all the ups and downs of searching for peace and normalcy, definitely has a silver lining in our lives to look to. To rewind how we have come to the close of another curtain would not be surprising as we all wanted, waited and willing to get the system back to normal situation which had practically vitiated the patterned of life. The bad memories of the past years ought to be shuttered and erased from our memories by engaging with positive thoughts for new challenges. The wonderful memories wish to be cherished and carried forward. Resolutions made in 2024 are not lived up to and forgotten, yet ready to make new resolutions as we enter the “New Year” with enthusiasm. We are excited and trilled to dive in this “New Year 2025” with full of gusto and not knowing what lies ahead. In this race of life we ought not forget the “G” in the race of life where we need Grace from God to run the race of life.
What will this New Year bring to us? Or will we do something ‘new’ this New Year? Such questions are of much interest that delights our thoughts and life as we step in this New Year. Well! There is nothing wrong in fascinating our thinking with such enthusiastic feelings and expectations, because each New Year brings new Hope to the world and humanity as a whole. As Rainer Maria Rilke says “And now we welcome the New Year, full of things that have never been”.
This New Year,‘Change your mind set and Outlook’. Everyone and everything around you will be the same like the previous years. There is a saying that goes ‘You do not get in life what you want. You only get what you are’. Nothing drastic is going to happen to the world around you. However, you can change your mindset and redefines your outlook towards life. The approach towards life can be different even though the situation may be the same. Don’t only define your life, but redefine your life for others, that you become a defining factor in the life of others.
This New Year,‘Spend time with quality people’ who will be resourceful to your life. It is said, in learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn. So also being connected with likeminded people gives you confidence. No matter how successful you are in life, we all like to be connected with people who get us and give us the confidence to really go for it. With quality people in your life, you will get just that. With quality people, the possibilities are endless- with the right person in your life, there are no limits to what you can do. Get ready to take on the world because those great people in life will be right there cheering on you.
This New Year,‘Surround yourself with good people’, because they give you positive vibes. They push you, complement you and encourage you to grow and become the best version of yourself. They will give you the confidence to achieve your goals and live the life of your dreams. You will feel energised and motivated when you surround yourself with people who have positive vibes. It makes one easier tostay focused on your desired goals.
Dear readers, let us remind ourselves with the words of Oprah Winfrey, “Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right”. Life gives us wonderful opportunities each day of the year. Let’s make the best of the everyday life gives us this new year. Let’s live life to the fullest as if you and I are to die tomorrow, and keep learning as if you and I are to live forever. Every year we make a New Year resolution to change ourselves however this year 2025, let us make a resolution to be the best version of ourselves. Last but not the least let us never get tired of doing little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.

The writer is a catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Imphal, Manipur. Presently he is the Vice Principal of St. Joseph College, Ukhrul. You can reach him at [email protected]