Imphal Review of Arts and Politics

Babina Diagnostics
Climate Change Fellowships
Traffic in Imphal is becoming a mess with increasing number of vehicles and waning traffic discipline

Increasing Number of Street Vendors Post Covid Lockdown and Huge Traffic Congestion

The closure of all the major markets during the Covid pandemic lockdown that begins on December, 2019 from Wuhan, China became an indirect factor for the increased of street  vendors here in Manipur. Many vegetable sellers of Ima market and other major markets started selling at the roadside since it started to impose lock down and many other new vendors arise to support their families since the time. Street vendors are already  popular and practice here like in other states as well. Street vendors (Protection Of Livelihood And Regulation Of Street Vending) Act, 2014 was passed and came into force from 1 May, 2014. Street vending is an important part of human society. It provides busy and office going people get their required stuffs by the way back to home easily. Varieties of vegetables, fruits and other products are being sold by women of different communities. It provides significant role to many families whose economy, necessities and daily breads depend on street vending.

On otherside of all this righteousness of street vending, the dark side is the cause of traffic congestion by the buyers. Taking one such example can be that of the roadside at Keishamthong area near Keishamthong bridge to Ngakraba bridge at Mayai Lambi. By the end of the office hour till late evening one side of the road where street vending takes place is totally a chaos, congested busy road due to the vehicles park by the people who stopped to buy vegetables and other stuffs. While street vending is a good work, improper parkings of vehicles at the middle of the roads caused a huge traffic congestion to other pedestrians and passenger vehicles, passers-by. Hardly two vehicles can go simultaneously.

Parking of vehicles anywhere is an impulsive unlawful act. Related authorities and government can take up safety measures for the betterment of street vendors and other publics while making proper parking at the edge of the river or somewhere convenient can be a solution to solve such matters. Legal actions must be taken for the unlawful acts that caused any kind of arbitrary obstacles to the people.

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