Imphal Review of Arts and Politics

Classic Group of Hotels
Young boys and girls learn handicraft skills from a veteran craftsman at Phalee Village, Ukhrul District

HaoYar Group Organises Skilling Workshop for Phalee Village Youth

A 3-day workshop Hands on Training Workshop on Artisanship & Traditional Skill to Empower Youth & Students was organized by HaoYar Group from Sept 19 – 21 at Phalee village, Ukhrul district in partnership with Phalee Youth Organisation (PYO).

Over 130 students from 3 schools and of youths of the village participated the workshop sponsored by Tribal Research Institute (TRI), with the theme “Redefining traditional ideas for livelihood.”

During the 3-day intensive workshop, the participants were trained on how to make use of traditional arts for marketability by incorporating modernity

Speaking the closing function, Dr RA Ransing (MSS) Dy. Secy Tribal Affairs & Hills, Govt of Manipur, encouraged the students and youths to seriously take such opportunities.

Mr Ramnganing Zimik (MFS), Chief Finance officer, TAH/TRI Manipur also told the students to find a role model and work hard towards aattaining ones goal ing life. We here today in the position, tomorrow you’ll be here in our position,” he asserted.

Themsem R Shimrei BFA- sculptor/fine arts demonstrated his arts using clay and woods

Mr A Ngaranshang, traditional craftsman, taught how to make tradional baskets while Mr S Mosang, Mr S Ramthar and Mr S Tongtong taught how to make winnowing tray

HaoYar Group is a registered society with objectives to promote the traditional arts, folklore and folk songs and whichever culture related subjects

Mr A Wungreingam, Hd man Phalee village also exhorted the students

Phalee Resource Centre was the media partner of the event

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