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Ato Kilonser of GPRN/NSCN (Unification) Alezo Venuh

For Some, Dreams Vanish and Focus Comes Down to Business Alone: NSCN (Unification) Leader Alezo

Ato Kilonser of GPRN/NSCN (Unification) Alezo Venuh spoke to Nirendra Dev for this exclusive interview via tele chats and email interactions. Read on:

Your speech on Naga Unification Day was refreshing in some ways. When you spoke against hurting India or against lecturing about History… Was it being Pragmatism Plus?

Alezo: Life is decided by two things Reality and Reality plus … that’s something vital about life.  If I say I am against hurting India …it is because I can sense Reality. If we expect rain in Delhi”s summer … What’s that…that may be a Dream. But that is not at all close to a reality. My children studied in Dehradun,  their teachers were all Indians should they say ever I hate Indians ? I also should not say.

I find your response interesting … Please carry on.

Alezo: Well,  former Supreme Court judges and lawyers helped us in Delhi to understand many things when we were working on Agreed Position. My point is different. My point actually is if we Nagas want an Indian Prime Minister or a journalist to understand our pain; I should understand what’s important for you.
Selling dreams could appear easy. People do so in Kohima and Manipur and also in the US. But for some dream merchants; Dream vanishes after a while and focus comes down to business alone.  I am against that… When you are practical; you can solve many challenges easily.

It is not about hurting India.  Principle of Coexistence  means living in harmony  as equal partners. Ceasefire means there was a war. In such a situation, maturity of both sides lies in not casting sentiments and regrets. There is no place for such feelings.  I meant that… That is where pragmatic approach to a political solution begins.

You seemed to have come of age in last few months. Analysts in Delhi welcomed your Nov 22 speech.  You made fantastic use of he Unification Day.

Alezo: It was  a big occasion for me…early morning on Nov 22, I  remembered my father…a simple villager … but his values and what my mom taught me. If you all liked my speech…. No need to appreciate me. Tell Prime Minister of India to give us Solution. After Maharashtra election win; he is in good mood. We can rejoice together if Solution pact is signed. Nagas will remember Mr Modi as a real hero.

The Agreed Position must be close to your heart; what is so special about it?

Alezo: Well… It has many significant aspects. But I am sorry to say media did not do justice to our hard work.  You all did not understand one thing… We were very transparent. But in contrast the NSCN-IM and Govt of India kept the Framework Agreement as a non disclosure document. What did they gain? All their problems came due to that and today people are suffering. Our Agreed Position clearly recognises historical and political rights of Nagas.

What strikes you most about Agreed Position?

Alezo: Firstly ; we did it systematically.  And then we worked certain small things….. But vital ones. For example Nagas will have an Insignia and the Naga Flag will be a part of the Customary System.  Then for complex matters such as Free Movement Regime… exemption will be made on the Indian Passport for the indigenous people. On the other side,  you all missed that between NSCN-IM and GoI –  they lacked harmony in talks. They could not set the agenda for a negotiated settlement.

What’s that big thing you would like to achieve for Nagaland?

Alezo: (Laughs). Please remember no country can prosper when there is a small island of rich people, and a sea of poor but hardworking people.
Indian army and Nagas have fought… But where does this dangerous confrontation leave a vital people to people relationship?

People will argue that assessments vary about the future . Some experts see intense competition and confrontation as inescapable. Two sets of great people have been on unmanaged collision course. This has unpredictable consequences. I am striving to achieve peaceful co-existence.

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