Now the election is knocking at our door. But some sections of the population express that the timing of the election is not conducive to the present critical crisis. However, the election schedule was already announced, as the election is a continuing process. It is a fact that the present election will have specific differences from the previous elections. It appears, on the other hand, that it is crucial to decide what types of candidates should be chosen by way of casting votes for choosing a competent servant leader. Furthermore, it is felt that while exercising our voting rights, it is necessary to have a critical thought prior to voting. Likewise, it seems that it is the right time to think of the probable answers to our questions before casting our vote; it is the right time to access the capability of the candidate to give and finalize the answers to our questions. Asking questions and reviewing the activities done by our representatives in the past elections as against their promise and manifesto is a step to experience ourselves. It is also imperative for us to ask ourselves whether our questions will be answered properly by the candidates. Now is the time for the right opportunity before each of us to cast our vote in light of the present circumstances. People have experienced the process of election in the past. It is to reiterate that the ensuing election might be significantly different from the past votes in terms of issues and the crisis.
In the midst of the physical and mental trauma, there arises a number of related questions, and at the same time, people are searching for answers to the questions. Let us seek at least some of the answers from the candidates through a free and fair election. Though the literacy rate in Manipur is high (76%), it is debatable that the idea of literacy in Manipur is well within the definition of literacy. It is to see whether people are really educated, which intend to mean of having good level of knowledge. If we are not in a position to know our strengths, efforts, and ideas, we will not be able to progress further. Therefore, it is essential to analyze in detail the present issue and avail the voting rights. To select a candidate who has a clear vision for the preparation of short- and long-term policies with a deep sense of patriotism and competitive knowledge in the present political and socio-economic scenario in the state of Manipur is one of the main peremptory expectations of the people.
But the present crisis is so grave that it may be asked whether people have the mood to celebrate any kind of even major festivals, like Ningol Chakkouba, Yaoshang, Yaoshang Sports, Kang Chingba, Durga Pujah, Panthoibi Iratpa, etc. It is historical that festivals are not celebrated in the so-called the land of festivals. Hence, it may be natural that a section of the people may likely feel that there is no conducive atmosphere to hold the election, and so, if the election is held, it may not be free and fair. People are suffering so much from deep mental and physical trauma and bitter experiences. Therefore, some people may have less interest in such elections, and some of them might even casually describe them as dirty politics. However, if we physically abstain from the process of election, there are chances of manipulation of our votes.
Is it not natural to presume that we ought to have a common line of action as we have a common issue? In other words, since we are facing a common issue with mental and physical trauma, should we have common criteria too at a common view?
Any candidate to be elected would be our representative. Therefore, our representative, comparatively, would be the capable candidate who would respect the aspirations of the people.
As Abraham Lincoln once said “To give the victory to the right, not bloody bullets, but peaceful ballots only, are necessary.”

The writer is a PhD Scholar, Manipur University and can be reached at: [email protected]